
  • 网络Constraint Scale;constrain proportion
  1. 对于约束值比例于设计变量向量的最优设计问题,用射线步将设计点调整到最严约束边界。

    For the optimal design problems whose constrained values are in proportion to the vector of design variables , the scaling step is used to adjust the design points to the boundary of the most critical constraint .

  2. 但EBA发现,在一些国家,受奖金延期支付规则约束的员工比例占到10%,而在另外一些国家,这一比例不到1%。

    The EBA found that 10 per cent of bank employees are caught by deferral rules in some countries but fewer than 1 per cent in others .

  3. 带有碰撞角约束的三维纯比例导引律研究

    Study on Three-Dimensional PPN with Impact Angle Constraints