
  • 网络Jonah;The Book of Jonah
  1. 这次约拿书按照被告诉的那样去做。

    This time Jonah did as he was told .

  2. 三天以后,这条大鱼把约拿书吐到一个海滩上。

    After three days , the great fish spat Jonah out on to a beach .

  3. 〈约拿书〉可能写于西元前5或4世纪。

    The book was probably written in the5th or4th century BC .

  4. 约拿书安全了,但他仍然非常害怕。

    Jonah was safe , but he was still very frightened .

  5. 人们不只听约拿书的,而且他们也相信他。

    The people not only listened to Jonah , they also believed him .

  6. 我们必须摆脱约拿书,这是我们唯一的希望。

    We must get rid of Jonah , it 's our only hope .

  7. 约拿书知道他不能游得更远了。

    Jonah knew he could not swim much further .

  8. 塔什什是约拿书能够去的离尼尼微最远的地方。

    Tarshish was about as far away from Nineveh as Jonah could get .

  9. 约拿书起身,来到了甲板上。

    Jonah got up and went on deck .

  10. 约拿书感到非常心虚。

    Jonah felt very guilty .

  11. 在整个漫长的冒险历程中,约拿书第一次真正地高兴起来。

    And for the first time during the whole of his long adventure , Jonah really was pleased .

  12. 他现在意识到上帝不允许他逃避其给予的任务,约拿书的提议是停止这场暴风雨的唯一方法。

    He realised now that God would not allow him to wriggle out of the job he had been given , and that his plan was the only way to stop the storm .

  13. 《旧约》中十二小先知之一,其事迹记录在〈约拿书〉中(他的预言书在犹太教正典中是较大的“十二先知书”的一部分。)

    One of the12 Minor Prophets in the Old Testament , whose story is told in the Book of Jonah . ( His narrative is part of a larger book , The Twelve , in the Jewish canon . )

  14. 有人指出,除了约拿以外,一切约拿书中所记载的,都对神顺服。

    Someone has pointed out that everything in the book of Jonah obeyed God , except His servant .