
  • 网络Jehoshaphat;Joshaphat;Yeho-shaphat
  1. 这都是犹大王约沙法的儿子。

    All these were sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel .

  2. 王上22:44约沙法与以色列王和好。

    Jehoshaphat also made peace with the king of Israel .

  3. 约沙法说,王不必这样说。

    ' The king should not say that , 'Jehoshaphat replied .

  4. 在以萨迦有帕路亚的儿子约沙法。

    Jehoshaphat , the son of paruah , in issachar ;

  5. 约沙法与以色列王和好。

    And Jehoshaphat made peace with the king of israel .

  6. 他儿子约沙法接续他作王。

    And Jehoshaphat his son succeeded him as king .

  7. 就转过去与他争战,约沙法便呼喊。

    And they turned aside to fight against him : and Jehoshaphat cried out .

  8. 这样,宁示的孙子,约沙法的儿子耶户背叛约兰。

    So Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi conspired against Joram .

  9. 代下17:12约沙法日渐强大.犹大建造营寨、积货城。

    So Jehoshaphat grew greater and greater , and he built fortresses and store cities in Judah .

  10. 此后,犹大王约沙法与以色列王亚哈谢交好;亚哈谢行恶太甚。

    After this Jehoshaphat king of Judah joined with Ahaziah king of Israel , who acted wickedly .

  11. 2到第三年,犹大王约沙法下去见以色列王。

    Then in the third year Jehoshaphat the king of Judah came down to the king of israel .

  12. 以色列王和犹大王约沙法上基列的拉末去了。

    So the king of Israel and jehoshaphat , the king of judah , went up to ramoth-gilead .

  13. 约沙法一呼喊,耶和华就帮助他,神又感动他们离开他。

    So they turned to attack him , but Jehoshaphat cried out , and the Lord helped him .

  14. 约沙法大有尊荣资财,就与亚哈结亲。

    Now Jehoshaphat had great wealth and honour , and his son was married to ahab 's daughter .

  15. 车兵长看见约沙法,便说,这必是以色列王。

    When the chariot commanders saw Jehoshaphat , they thought , 'Surely this is the king of Israel . '

  16. 代下20:30这样、约沙法的国、得享太平.因为神赐他四境平安。

    So the kingdom of Jehoshaphat was at peace , for his God gave him rest on all sides .

  17. 以色列王亚哈问犹大王约沙法说,你肯同我去攻取基列的拉末吗?

    Ahab king of Israel asked Jehoshaphat king of Judah , 'Will you go with me against Ramoth Gilead ?

  18. 洗鲁雅的儿子约押作元帅。亚希律的儿子约沙法作史官。

    And Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the host ; and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder ;

  19. 出去的时候,约沙法站着说,犹大人和耶路撒冷的居民哪,要听我说,信耶和华你们的神就必立稳。

    As they set out , Jehoshaphat stood and said , 'Listen to me , Judah and people of Jerusalem !

  20. 约沙法便惧怕,定意寻求耶和华,在犹大全地宣告禁食。

    And Jehoshaphat feared , and set himself to seek the lord , and proclaimed a fast throughout all judah .

  21. 约沙法说,这里不是还有耶和华的申言者,我们可以求问他麽?

    But Jehoshaphat said , Is there not yet another prophet of Jehovah here , that we might inquire of him ?

  22. 以色列王亚哈第四年,亚撒的儿子约沙法登基作了犹大王。

    And Jehoshaphat the son of Asa began to reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel .

  23. 有些非利士人与约沙法送礼物,纳贡银。亚拉伯人也送他公绵羊七千七百只,公山羊七千七百只。

    Some of the Philistines brought Jehoshaphat presents and silver for tribute , and the Arabians also brought him7,700 rams and7,700 goats .

  24. 约沙法对以色列王说,请你先求问耶和华怎么说。

    And Jehoshaphat said to the king of israel , ask today , I beg you , for the word of jehovah .

  25. 约沙法说,这里不是有耶和华的先知吗?我们可以托他求问耶和华。

    But Jehoshaphat asked , 'Is there no prophet of the Lord here , that we may inquire of the Lord through him ? '

  26. 约沙法将他父亲亚撒在世所剩下的娈童都从国中除去了。

    And the remnant of the sodomites , which remained in the days of his father Asa , he took out of the land .

  27. 约沙法就在犹大和耶路撒冷的会中,站在耶和华殿的新院前

    Then Jehoshaphat stood up in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem at the temple of the Lord in the front of the new courtyard

  28. 约沙法就面伏于地。犹大众人和耶路撒冷的居民、也俯伏在耶和华面前、叩拜耶和华。

    Jehoshaphat bowed with his face to the ground , and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship before the lord .

  29. 祭司示巴尼,约沙法,拿坦业,亚玛赛,撒迦利雅,比拿亚,以利以谢在神的约柜前吹号。

    Shebaniah , Joshaphat , Nethanel , Amasai , Zechariah , Benaiah and Eliezer the priests were to blow trumpets before the ark of God .

  30. 因他们说,他是那尽心寻求耶和华之约沙法的儿子。

    They buried him , for they said , 'He was a son of Jehoshaphat , who sought the Lord with all his heart . '