
  1. 她在取笑你并尽力让你知耻而后勇。

    She is making fun of you and trying to embarrass you into trying harder .

  2. 军队我们不光要提高装备水平,更需要的是勇于认识差距,知耻而后勇的精神。

    Our army not only need developed equipment but also advanced spirit facing the reality and catching up !

  3. 所幸你还能够知耻而后勇,那之后的远大前程尚有可期。

    Fortunately you can hope to be brave after feeling ashamed , then there is still bright future to anticipate .

  4. 哎,知耻而后勇你们还是有希望的。只要多读书,读好书。

    Lyu : Ai , After knows the shame but to be brave , you have the hope only if you read more books .

  5. 此外我认为,法国在经历了2002年世界杯的惨痛教训后,一定会知耻而后勇,届时一定也是一支非常难应付的队伍。

    In addition to them I think France will be trying to avenge what happened in2002 , so they could also be a tough team .