
zhī xī
  • know;be informed of;knowledge;learn
知悉 [zhī xī]
  • [know] 知道;了解

  • 知悉内情

知悉[zhī xī]
  1. 他们通过这个设备知悉你的一切,有时还是从几百英里外了解这些。

    Everything they know about you came through this device , sometimes from hundreds of miles away .

  2. 里面有几只ram(就是雄性绵羊,请对畜牧没什么了解的读者知悉),一只猪,一头母牛,甚至还有几只龙,但没有母羊。

    It has rams ( those are male sheep for readers who know little about animal husbandry ), a hog , a cow and even dragons , but no ewes .

  3. 有理由推想政府知悉这些交易。

    It is reasonable to infer that the government knew about these deals .

  4. 他一俟知悉,会即刻电告我的。

    He 'll telephone me the instant he knows .

  5. 知悉委托条款的知情人士说,基金没有为杰克逊的父亲乔(Joe)留出份额。

    The trust makes no provision for Mr. Jackson 's father , Joe , according to the people familiar with its terms .

  6. 商业秘密意指UPS之或UPS由第三方获得之任何不广为公众所知悉或不供公众取用的信息

    Trade Secret means any information of UPS that UPS acquired from a third party which is not commonly known by or available to the public

  7. 三星美国公司总裁蒂姆•巴克斯特(TimBaxter)曾在上月致客户的一则视频中信誓旦旦地说:请知悉,配备新电池的Note7是安全的。

    To be clear , the Note 7 with the newbattery is safe . The battery cell issue is resolved , TimBaxter , the company 's US president , pledged in a video to customers last month .

  8. 贝宁顿的队友麦克·信田(MikeShinoda)知悉后,在推特上发文称他“感到震惊且心痛”。林肯公园官方推特账号发布了一张贝宁顿的照片,致敬这位乐队主唱。

    Following the tragic news , Bennington 's bandmate Mike Shinoda shared a message on Twitter saying he was " shocked and heartbroken . " The official Linkin Park account also tweeted a photo of Bennington as a tribute .

  9. 无论如何,这份研究加强了一件我们已经知悉的事&大家应该每天服用“爱家”UMI这项产品,它真的是一项突破性的产品而且也是另一项“爱家”的独家产品。

    In any event , it reinforces what we have always known , that Agel UMI is a product that everyone should take every day ! It really is a breakthrough product and another Agel exclusive .

  10. HauckandAufhaeuser银行市场策略分析菲德尔·赫尔默说道:信赖和知悉可不能混为一谈,但我担心局势会变得更糟,因此至少在接下来的几周我们对于市场必须小心谨慎。

    Fidel Helmer is a market strategist for Hauck and Aufhaeuser bank . " Believing is not the same as knowing , but I am afraid the situation is going to get worse and that we will have to put up with very cautious markets for the next couple of weeks at least , "

  11. 首先指出在我国设置犯罪嫌疑人知悉权的必要性。

    First that in China settings criminal suspects knows rights necessity .

  12. 犯罪嫌疑人知悉权初探

    The Enquiry of the Right to Know by the Criminal Suspect

  13. 如欲知悉最新的活动项目,请查询我们的活动安排表。

    For upcoming program events please refer to our event calendar .

  14. 我能够知悉为什么安全局出此计谋。

    I can see why the security office felt it wise .

  15. 请确保让谘询人清楚知悉交回报告的截止日期。

    Please ensure referees are aware of the closing date for submission .

  16. 他对历史、文或音乐知悉得不多。

    He has not much knowledge of history , French or music .

  17. 我请求让我知悉当前的情势。

    I request to be informed of the current state of affairs .

  18. 知悉乙方服务真实情况的权利;

    To know actual conditions of Party B 's service ;

  19. 首先,对犯罪嫌疑人、知悉权的定义进行界定。

    First , definition of the suspect and the knows .

  20. 制表师们都各自保留着他们在孤独工作时知悉的钟表的秘密。

    Watchmakers kept the secrets they learned in their lonely working hours .

  21. 请知悉我们已经收到您的求职申请。

    We do want to inform you that your application has been received .

  22. 在我妈妈知悉前确实是

    It is until my mother hears the news .

  23. 法律规定我有义务知悉卖家所有出价。

    I 'm legally bound to present all offers .

  24. 我们还无法知悉他的用意为何。

    We do not yet know his full purpose .

  25. 不管你是否对此知悉,你声线的变化反映出兴趣。

    Whether you know it or not , your vocal range shows your interest .

  26. 诗歌,让人们因为知悉生命的幽微而更加珍爱生命。

    Poetry makes people cherish their life more by sensing the faint of life .

  27. 以上请知悉,谢谢!

    The above please learn about , thanks !

  28. 果然早已知悉了!所以才从机场偷溜吗?

    Already know about it ! That 's why run away from the airport ?

  29. 我将会怎样及何时知悉申请是否成功?

    How and when will I be notified of my successful or unsuccessful application ?

  30. 当人们看见你,就知悉你的秘密。

    So that the first time anyone saw you , they saw your secret .