
  1. 电视具有三大功能:信息传播功能、新闻纪实功能、艺术表现功能。

    The television media has three major functions information transmitting , on-the-spot record of news and artistic expression .

  2. 一些年轻观众长期以来就十分渴望看到些洞悉社会的新闻纪实节目。

    Some young viewers are thirsty for more news documentaries that offer an insight into society for a long time .

  3. 这样的风格在后一个主题中显得更为明显,也是特雷斯放弃新闻纪实摄影之前的最后一个指派任务。

    This becomes even more obvious in the next documentary project , the last Tress undertook before abandoning the field of photo-journalism .

  4. 长期以来,电视的信息传播功能和新闻纪实功能得到了理论界和业界的广泛重视,但对电视的艺术表现功能认识曾一度陷入矛盾和怀疑。

    For a long time , the first two functions have been attached extensive significance by theory and practice , but the last one has once been doubted .

  5. 电视纪录片栏目可以从文体、内容、风格来划分出新闻纪实类、社会纪实类、历史文献类、科学探索类等不同的类型。

    The column of the newsreel can be classified into categories of News Documentary , Social Documentary , Historical Documentary and Scientific Documentary according to the the style , content , and manner .

  6. 而新闻摄影、纪实摄影却是和摄影特技格格不入的。

    However , news photography , documentary photography is and photography stunt antipathetic .

  7. 在帮助公众更好地理解科学的理念基础上,西方科学纪录片同样受到了新新闻主义、纪实派与消息派论争等叙事思潮的影响。

    Besides helping the public better understand basic scientific ideas , scientific documentaries also are influenced by the New Journalism , " Record Group " and " Message sent " controversy and other narrative Trends .