
gào zhī
  • inform;notify;tell;send;instruct;apprise;let know;vouchsafe
告知 [gào zhī]
  • [inform;notify] 说给某人让他知道

  • 你何时放假回家,尽早告知

告知[gào zhī]
  1. 如果您对您的假日有什么意见,请书面告知我们。

    If you have a complaint about your holiday , please inform us in writing .

  2. 请来电告知。

    Please inform me by telegram .

  3. 如欲取消,请至少提前24小时告知。

    We need at least 24 hours ' notice of cancellation .

  4. 如地址有变,敬请告知。

    Please advise us of any change of address .

  5. 信收到后请复函告知。

    Please acknowledge receipt of this letter .

  6. 所有的申请都将得到复函告知收悉。

    All applications will be acknowledged .

  7. 我们一再告知城市规划者在诸如M40之类的高速公路旁建服务站是必不可少的。

    We have repeatedly told planners that services are vital on a motorway like the M40 .

  8. 我们已经把所有相关信息都告知了警方。

    We have passed all relevant information on to the police .

  9. 请随时告知我们该项目的进展情况。

    Please keep us informed of the status of this project .

  10. 车站工作人员通过广播告知火车到站了。

    Station staff announced the arrival of the train over the tannoy

  11. 军队寄给我一张明信片告知我的申请书已收到。

    The army sent me a postcard acknowledging my request .

  12. 他被告知再次骑上马回列克星敦。

    He was told to remount his horse and ride back to Lexington

  13. 他现在已被正式告知了自己被捕的原因。

    He has now been formally given the grounds for his arrest .

  14. 委员会对所告知的一切很是惊愕。

    The committee was dismayed by what it had been told

  15. 我已经本着良心将危险告知他们。

    I have been scrupulous about telling them the dangers

  16. 律师们被控未尽到告知当事人其正当权利的职责。

    Lawyers are accused of failing in their duties to advise clients of their rights

  17. 我们完善了一套手势信号,这样他就能随时告知我什么时候有危险了。

    We perfected a hand-signal system so that he could keep me informed of hazards

  18. 我们会随时告知你最新进展。

    We 'll keep you abreast of developments .

  19. 他被告知有五百分之一的生存机会。

    He was told that he had a one in 500 chance of survival .

  20. 他被告知要打消那个主意。

    He was told to drop the idea

  21. 要将少校即将返回的消息告知朱利安·卡文迪什是有绝对充足的理由的。

    There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major 's impending return .

  22. 我想让你告知他们,他们有3个月时间来解决细节问题。

    I want you to instruct them that they 've got three months to get the details sorted out .

  23. 老年人被告知,要想保持头脑灵敏,就必须要多动脑。

    Elderly people are told that if they want to keep their minds nimble , they must use them .

  24. 一位顾客带着一台性能尚好的洗衣机来修,不料竟被告知该换洗衣机了。

    A customer took a perfectly serviceable washing machine in for repair , only to be told it needed replacing .

  25. 在病人决定是否就诊之前,注册整骨医师会很乐意告知其收费标准。

    A Registered Osteopath will be pleased to tell you his scale of fees before you decide on a consultation .

  26. “校长不能见客,”他的儿子应该已经这样告知了一位一大清早就来了的拜访者。

    ' The President cannot be disturbed , ' his son is supposed to have told an early morning caller .

  27. 我给环球剧院打电话告知了布莱克的死讯,然后在《泰晤士报》的私人广告栏登了讣告。

    I rang The Globe with news of Blake 's death , and put notices in the personal column of The Times

  28. 他们被告知我们已经拿到了这笔钱并将用它来做什么。

    They 're informed that we 've got this money to spend and we will do such and such with it .

  29. 如果小孩接受全日制教育的时间超过了您已告知我们的那个期限,您就有权申请儿童补助金。

    You may be entitled to Child Benefit if a child continues getting full-time education beyond the date already notified by you .

  30. 存在错误的结算单仍有可能发送出去,但告知我们的客户将不会遭受损失。

    Statements with errors could still be going out , but customers who notify us will not be left out of pocket .