
gào jiè
  • warn;caution;admonish;caveat;exhort;lecture;counsel;enjoin;dissuade from
告诫 [gào jiè]
  • (1) 也作告戒

  • (2) [dissuade from;causion;admonish]∶规劝某人勿做某事

  • 告诫我们不要贪图不义之财

  • (3) [warn]∶教诲劝戒

  • 父亲严厉告诫说,要正正派派做人

  • 吾累次丁宁告戒,街亭是吾根本,汝以全家之命,领此重任。--《三国演义》

告诫[gào jiè]
  1. 警方已竖起了标示牌,告诫人们不要靠近这一地区。

    The police have put up signs to warn people off this area .

  2. 注:我最好提前告诫您WEKAAPI有时很难导航。

    NOTE : I would warn you ahead of time that the WEKA API can be difficult to navigate at times .

  3. 科学家已告诫人类慎重对待这项技术。

    Scientists have sounded a note of caution on the technique .

  4. 萨姆告诫他不要草率作出决定。

    Sam cautioned him against making a hasty decision .

  5. 她在课堂上嚼口香糖,受到了告诫。

    She was admonished for chewing gum in class .

  6. 警方告诫民众要留在家里。

    Police are advising people to stay at home .

  7. 政府已告诫说,以后的局势将很严峻。

    The government has warned of stormy waters ahead .

  8. “我告诫过你不要给我打电话。”他平静地说。

    ' I warned you not to phone me , ' he said evenly .

  9. 已经告诫他们采取行动。

    They had been exhorted to action .

  10. 《麦克米伦指南》已经事先告诫过我会遇到什么情况。

    The Macmillan Guide had forewarned me of what to expect .

  11. 种族平等委员会告诫各家机构不要心存歧视。

    The Commission for Racial Equality teaches organisations not to discriminate .

  12. 警方告诫驾车者出门上班要留出富余时间。

    Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work

  13. 他一直在告诫她这里的官员不好糊弄。

    He kept telling her that here you did not fool with officials .

  14. 当地警方告诫游客不要在夜间去海滩。

    The local police had warned visitors to keep off the beach at night .

  15. 我们告诫女性不要独自去公共草地。

    We are warning women not to go out on to the common alone .

  16. 她对母亲的告诫置若罔闻。

    She ignored the admonitions of her mother .

  17. 律师告诫当事人穿戴整洁会赢得地方法官的好感。

    Solicitors advised their clients that a tidy look went down well with the magistrates .

  18. 洛先生告诫说不能自满。

    Mr Lowe warned against complacency .

  19. 托尼告诫说不要歪曲形势。

    Tony cautioned against misrepresenting the situation

  20. 他身旁的书偶然翻开到写着圣保罗对罗马人的告诫那页。

    By chance the book beside him fell open to St. Paul 's warning to the Romans

  21. 他告诫说,翻土掺钙并不利于植物生长。

    To dig calcium into the soil , he warned , does not help the plant .

  22. 警方已经告诫该市居民不要在这条被污染的河里游泳。

    The police have warned the city 's inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted river .

  23. 她还被告诫大清早在附近跑步是不安全的。

    She was also warned it was unsafe to run early in the morning in the neighbourhood .

  24. 不过15个月,它就成了告诫人们留心跨国并购中陷阱的警世故事。

    Barely fifteen months later , it has become a cautionary tale of the pitfalls of international mergers and acquisitions

  25. 她告诫我千万不要结婚,也别要孩子。——“这两样我都不想要。”

    She warned me that I 'd never marry or have children . — 'I don 't want either . '

  26. 警察告诫他们夜间不要出门。

    The police warned them not to go out at night .

  27. 他告诫她不要独自步行回家。

    He warned her not to walk home alone .

  28. 居里夫人告诫初学者不要图快。

    Madame Curie warned learners not to go too fast .

  29. 医生告诫病人不要抽烟。

    The doctor warned the patient against smoking .

  30. 学生们受到告诫,不要违反校规。

    The students were told not to break any of the rules of the school .