
  • 网络houndstooth;Swallow Gird;DOG TOOTH
  1. 通过粗纺织物的织物图、组织图及工艺,分析了千鸟格类织物的风格特点。

    The article introduces the character and style of swallow gird based on examples with photos and processing .

  2. 我幻想着也许会有那么一天,一双二手的千鸟格高跟鞋将会出现在我最喜欢的古着店玛丽安托瓦内特(MarieAntoinette)店内——这家古着店于一年半前开业,就坐落在菲拉格慕后面的一条小巷内。

    I imagine a secondhand pair might one day turn up at my favorite vintage store , Marie Antoinette , which opened a year and a half ago in an alley behind Ferragamo .

  3. 我们两人都被一双迷人的千鸟格羊毛面料高跟鞋吸引住了。

    We were both drawn to a pair of seductively high heels in wool houndstooth .

  4. 然而,那双千鸟格高跟鞋就像一名擦肩而过的爱人,在我每次重回佛罗伦萨时都依然萦绕在我的脑海中。

    Yet like a love that slipped away , the houndstooth heels still haunt my thoughts on every return to Florence .

  5. 作为一种传统的配色模纹,粗毛纺千鸟格类面料可以从纱线、组织、和风格几方面来进行创新设计。

    As a traditional duotone textile pattern , wool-spun Houndstooth fabric can be reinvented by manipulating the yarn fibre , organization and style .