
zòu mínɡ qǔ shì
  • sonata form
  1. 奏鸣曲式的结构和古典风格的结合是古典奏鸣曲式形成的标准;

    Synthesis of structure of sonata form and classical style is characteristic of classical sonata form .

  2. 奏鸣曲式呈示部中主-属的调性区域不仅来自于二段式,而且还受到了利都奈罗曲式的影响;

    The tonic-dominant tonal area in the exposition of sonata form shows an influence of ritornelle .

  3. 第二乐章采用奏鸣曲式写成,展开部中还包含有一个复三部曲式的插部,热情的快板(Allegroappassionato),d小调,3/4拍子,典型的谐谑曲,具有火一般的热情。

    The second movement , written in sonata form used to start the Department also includes the trilogy there is a complex type of interpolation Department , enthusiastic Allegro ( Allegro appassionato ), d minor , 3 / 4 beat , a typical Scherzo , with fire in general enthusiasm .

  4. 古典奏鸣曲式的形成时间是在1770年代;

    The rise of classical sonata form is estimated at 1770 's.

  5. 第二章:古奏鸣曲式的结构特征。

    Chapter II : Ancient structural features of sonata style .

  6. 复三部曲式、回旋曲式和奏鸣曲式是常见的三种大型曲式。

    Ternary Form , Rondo Form and Sonata Form are familiar forms of large scale .

  7. 古典奏鸣曲式和协奏曲曲式之间存在相互影响的交互期;

    There exists a period of mutual influence between classical sonata form and concerto form .

  8. 论古典奏鸣曲式的形成

    The Development of Sonata Form On the Beginnings of the Classical Sonata Form On form

  9. 第二谐谑曲用比较自由的奏鸣曲式结构写成,降b小调,3/4拍子。

    The No.2 Scherzo uses a free form of Sonata , b flat minor , 3 / 4 time .

  10. 古典奏鸣曲式的直接来源并非仅是古奏鸣曲式,而且还有前奏鸣曲式;

    Classical sonata form has its root not only in binary sonata form , but in pre-sonata form as well .

  11. 古典奏鸣曲式的整体结构形态包含了和声、曲式、节奏与织体四大要素。

    The whole structure form of the classic sonata type consists of four factors , chord , melody , rhythm and collectivity .

  12. 本文是一篇关于古典奏鸣曲式形成的论文,所研究的时间跨度约在1700&1780年间。全文共分上、下两篇。

    This paper on the beginnings of the classical sonata form covers a period from 1700 to 1780 . It comprises two parts .

  13. 前奏鸣曲式主要是交响曲中古典奏鸣曲式的前身,而古奏鸣曲式主要是独奏奏鸣曲中古典奏鸣曲式的前身;

    Pre - sonata form is mainly the predecessor of classical sonata form in symphonies while baroque sonata form that of solo sonatas .

  14. 奏鸣曲式是乐曲的一种结构形式,包括呈示部、展开部和再现部三大部分。

    Sonata form is a structured form of music , including the exposition , expand the department and the recapitulation of three parts .

  15. 第二乐章也用奏鸣曲式写成,它体现了勃拉姆斯平静而开朗的浪漫主义心境。

    The second movement was composed in the form of sonata , which embodied Brahms ' calm , cheerful and Romantic state of mind .

  16. 钢琴地位的提升,管弦乐队的标准编制,奏鸣曲式,室内乐,交响乐,音乐平衡感,音乐教化作用,纯音乐,协奏曲,主调音乐。

    The rise of piano , standardisation of the orchestra , Sonata form , chamber music , symphony , balance , enlightenment , absolute music , concerto , homophonic .

  17. 对比古二部曲式、对现代意义奏鸣曲式形成的影响,以及对和声布局的影响。

    Comparison of ancient Rings-style , right in the modern sense of the impact of the formation of sonata form , as well as the layout and sound effects .

  18. 魏纳的《器乐曲式学》在关于奏鸣曲式变体及回旋曲式类型等命名与分类上,存在反常的逻辑矛盾与理论失误。

    There were some abnormal logical contradiction and theoretical mistakes on the naming and classifying the variant sonata form and rondo type in The Forms of Instrumental Music by Weiner Leo .

  19. 本文着重围绕这四大要素结构形态的形成作简要概括,以期获得对古典奏鸣曲式历时性概况的了解。

    The article will do generalize through the forming of the structure form of the four factors , looking forward to comprehend simply to the period of the classic sonata type .

  20. 这部作品将西方协奏曲体裁与中国民族音乐文化相融合,利用单乐章奏鸣曲式的结构进行创作,以生动细腻的音乐语言对昭君出塞这一历史题材进行讲述。

    Combining western concerto genre with Chinese national tones and utilizing the structure of sonata form in music composition , the thesis makes statement of this historical tale-Zhaojun Departs the Frontier in vivid and exquisite music language .

  21. 包括三部分,一为西方奏鸣曲式的构建原则;二为中国传统曲式的思维方式;三为叙事性独特的结构方法。

    Three parts are Included , the first is the creating principle for West song type ; the second is the thinking mode of Chinese traditional song type ; The third is the special structure method of narrating .

  22. 肖斯塔科维奇d小调赋格的创新,主要在于赋格曲中融入了奏鸣曲式的结构原则,多种音乐展开手法的运用,使赋格的音乐效果交响化。

    In the Fugue in d minor , Shostakovich 's innovation was applied the structural principle of sonata form in the fugue , and that various means to developing the music made the music of fugue with symphonic effect .

  23. 奏鸣曲式是以对比和统一这两个原则为基础形成的一种大型曲式结构。典型的奏鸣曲式一般由三个部分组成:呈示部、展开部和再现部。

    Sonata form is a large musical form which is based on two principles & " antitheses " and " unification " . Usually , a typical sonata form consists of three parts : exposition , development and recapitulation .

  24. 上篇探讨了古典奏鸣曲式的雏形二段式与三段式是如何具有了古典奏鸣曲式的调性布局和结构规划,并主要以咏叹调和独奏协奏曲为主探讨了18世纪奏鸣风格的发展。

    Part one discusses the evolution of the tonal and structure plan of the classical sonata form from the early binary and ternary forms , and the development of the 18 ~ ( th ) - century sonata style in arias and solo concertos .

  25. 奏鸣曲曲式在音乐表现上的主要特点在于有两个互相对比的主题,以及由此引起的展开.最后要有主题的再现。

    Sonata musical form in music performance is that there are two main characteristics of the subject compared to each other , and the resulting expansion . Finally , the subject should be reproduced .

  26. 斯克里亚宾早期奏鸣曲作品的曲式结构反映出古典与浪漫主义时期美学观念与创作手法的影响,具有较典型的奏鸣套曲形式特征。

    Scriabin 's early sonatas reflect the influence of aesthetics idea and composing skill of classical and romantic age , have the characteristics of typical sonata song form .