
  • 网络Lordaeron
  1. 难道是朕将洛丹伦葬送的吗?

    Is it I that ruin the kingdom of Lordaeron ?

  2. 洛丹伦将会被黑暗统治,一切生灵将遭到摧残。

    Lordaeron will be dominated by the darkness and all beings will be ruined .

  3. 洛萨被迫与艾泽拉斯北方的幸存者逃到了洛丹伦。

    Lothar is forced to flee with the survivors of Azeroth north , to Lordaeron .

  4. 洛丹伦废墟得到扩建,有一个开放的通道通往幽暗城。

    The ruins of Lordaeron are being expanded , with a pit opening into the Undercity .

  5. 一些冰霜巨魔跟着地精商人到达过洛丹伦和卡利姆多。

    Some ice troll mercenaries and slaves reach Lordaeron and Kalimdor through the goblin merchant empire .

  6. 孩子,当你出生的时候,洛丹伦的森林轻声唤出了你的名字“阿尔萨斯”。

    My son * the day you were born , the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name ," Arthas " .

  7. 时光荏苒,往事如烟,已无法辨明这首歌是唱给洛丹伦曾经的王子,还是他挚爱的战驹。

    Time and events have left it unclear whether the song refers to the former prince of Lordaeron or his beloved steed .

  8. 然后我们要穿越银松森林,那是洛丹伦几大奇景之一,之后再沿洛丹米尔湖绕行。

    Then we will have to pass through Silverpine Forest , one of the great wonders of Lordaeron , to skirt Lordamere Lake .

  9. 当巫妖王的亡灵瘟疫肆虐洛丹伦王国之时,一颗邪恶宝珠被铸成了一柄强大的神剑。

    As the Lich King 's plague of undeath ravages the human kingdom of Lordaeron , a mighty blade is forged from a dark orb !

  10. 虽然在第一次大战中艾泽拉斯的骑士损失惨重,但是这些卓越的洛丹伦骑士仍在为联盟战斗。

    Though the hearty Knights of Azeroth were destroyed during the First War , the shining Knights of Lordaeron still continue to serve amongst the warriors of the Alliance .

  11. 渴望复仇的凯尔萨斯王子与他手下那些仍然维持着健康的战士们离开了他们满目疮痍的土地,投入了了洛丹伦抵抗天灾的战斗中去。

    Thirsting for vengeance despite their weakened state , the healthiest blood elves , including Kael'thas , departed their ravaged land and joined the campaign against the Scourge in Lordaeron .

  12. 为了驱逐亡灵,重建洛丹伦,芬娜·金剑与首次亡灵天灾袭击之后的其他生还者一起,对占领家园的亡灵天灾发动游击战。

    Waging a guerilla war against the undead occupying her homeland alongside other survivors of the initial Scourge attack , Finnall fights to restore Lordaeron and purge the undead from it .

  13. 海边高耸的峭壁保护着这个王国免受来自水中的攻击,格雷迈恩之墙则一直紧锁着大门使得这个王国远离来自当今的洛丹伦,以及艾泽拉斯的争斗。

    High seaside cliffs keep the kingdom safe from attack by water and the foreboding Greymane Wall keeps it locked safely away from the struggles of modern Lordaeron and , by extension , Azeroth .

  14. 克尔苏加德管理着这支日益庞大的部队,并称他们为天灾,不久之后,它就会踏进洛丹伦的大门,并把人类从这个世界上永远抹掉。

    Kel'Thuzad looked upon the Lich King 's growing army and named it the Scourge , for soon it would march upon the gates of Lordaeron and scour humanity from the face of the world .