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shū àn
  • writing desk;long desk
书案 [shū àn]
  • [writing desk;long desk] 长形写桌

  • 红木书案

书案[shū àn]
  1. 拔牙患者牙科焦虑症的调查及分析拔牙要签同意书案的知情同意探究

    The prevalence of dental anxiety before tooth extraction Study on Informed Consent of Signing Document in Tooth Extraction

  2. 沙发旁边有可以随意移来移去的轻巧的活动书案,人们可以把书放在上面看。

    Light , movable reading stands , which could be pushed away or pulled near as desired , allowed books to be positioned on them for easy study .

  3. 拔牙要签同意书案的知情同意探究知识浅薄诚然危险,但无知同样糟糕。&爱德华兹

    Study on Informed Consent of Signing Document in Tooth Extraction ; A little learning is a dangerous thing , but a lot of ignorance is just as bad . & Bob Edwards