
zhé liè
  • Fracture;jackknifing
折裂[zhé liè]
  1. OpenGL中齿廓曲面的拟合后牙折裂的治疗与修复

    The Matching of Tooth Profile in OpenGL The Treatment and Restoration of Tooth Back Odontagma

  2. Instron万能材料测试机对试件进行破坏实验,测试折裂时的力值。

    With Instron testing machine , destruction test on each model is performed to test fracture force values .

  3. 用ShadeEye电脑比色仪检测2种修复体的颜色,临床检查修复体的边缘密合度,颜色以及折裂、脱落情况,观察时间为0.5-2.5年。

    The color of ceramic crowns and all-ceramic veneers was checked with Shade Eye . The color , marginal fitness and fracture of all-ceramic veneers were checked in clinic half a year after restoration for 0.5-2.5 years .

  4. C组的折裂面用800目碳化硅耐水砂纸湿磨光1min后,再黏接,制成棒状试件。

    The fractured surfaces of Group C were polished with 800-grit SiC sand paper for 1 minute and bonded and then sectioned into bar-shaped specimens .

  5. 结果:88.24%为咬合过程中折裂。

    Results : 88.24 % of breaking was caused by biting .

  6. 后牙冠根联合折裂的修复和疗效

    Evaluation and Restoration of Posteriors with Crown - Root Fracture

  7. GI&I型粉浆涂塑铝瓷修复体折裂强度的测定

    Determination of the fracture strength of GI-I slip casting aluminous ceramic crown

  8. 改良固定保留折裂牙方法的评价

    Evaluation of the ameliorable fixed method of the fractured Teeth

  9. 折裂牙保存治疗疗效分析

    Clinical analysis of the effect of repairing the odontoclasis with protective therapy

  10. 记录各组离体牙折裂瞬间所受到的压力值。

    Record the pressure value of the root fracture from each group .

  11. 后牙折裂原因与分类初探

    A Tentative Study of the Cause and Classification of Posterior Tooth Fracture

  12. 嵌体冠或铸冠修复折裂牙的临床观察

    Clinical observation on patients with odontoclasis repaired by inlay or casting crown

  13. 结果56例折裂牙治疗成功48例(85.71%);

    Results 48 cases of 56 teeth were performed successfully .

  14. 147例重度龈下折裂磨牙保存修复的疗效评价与分析

    Evaluation and analysis of conservative restoration of 147 severely subgingival fractured molars

  15. 牙体折裂34例,占26.8%;

    34 tooth fracture , accounted for 26.8 % ;

  16. 受雨淞为害的毛竹出现折裂、倒伏和弯曲变形三种情况。

    Phyllostachys pubescens harmed by glazed frost shows breaking , lodging and winding .

  17. 预防磁性附着体义齿折裂的金属支架的设计与应用

    Design and application of the framework to prevent fracture of the magnetic denture

  18. 折裂牙全冠修复的疗效分析

    Clinical effect of repairing the odontoclasis with complete crown

  19. 结果两种材料充填后牙合面或邻面形态无显著性差异,而边缘密合度、修复体折裂、牙齿敏感等方面两治疗组间差异显著,前者优于后者。

    Results No significant difference in the shape between two groups was found .

  20. 319例后牙折裂的原因分析

    Analysis on 319 Cases of Fracture of Posterior Teeth

  21. 结论基托在基牙处易折裂;

    Conclusion Denture base may fracture at abutment zone ;

  22. 上颌总义齿基托折裂的临床观察与原因探讨

    The clinical and causal study of the fracture of the upper complete denture base

  23. 根管充填后1年无继发疼痛和牙折裂。

    No one failed after root canal therapy .

  24. 折裂后牙34例保存治疗的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Conservative Treatment of 34 Cases of the Fractured Posterior Teeth

  25. 结论:采取保存修复治疗的方法修复折裂牙,有一定的临床应用价值。

    CONCLUSION : It has clinical value that the odontoclasis was repaired with protective therapy .

  26. 刚到了树丛深处,枯枝折裂声又响起。

    Just as he reached the center of the thicket the dried twigs cracked again .

  27. 基牙折裂及折断占拆除原因的第二位为61例;

    The second cause was fracture and broken down of the abutment ( 61 cases );

  28. 恒切牙龈下折裂的保存治疗

    Treatment of subgingival fracture in permanent incisor

  29. 无牙根折裂、台阶形成、根管壁侧穿或器械折断发生。

    No vertical fracture , ledge , root canal perforation or instrument fracture was found .

  30. 三种桩核系统修复后牙体组织抗折裂强度的体外实验研究

    In vitro study of the fracture resistance of pulpless teeth restored with fiber post-and-core system