
zhé zhōnɡ zhǔ yì
  • eclecticism
  1. 他开创的折中主义非常成功,人们有时甚至忘了谁是第一个这样做的人,但是如果没有他,复古家具店(Hardwarecatalog)的产品目录将会很薄。

    The eclecticism he pioneered has been so successful that one can sometimes forget who did it first , but without him the Restoration Hardware catalog would be pretty thin .

  2. 住宅社区开放空间景观与新折中主义

    On landscape and new eclecticism for open space of residential community

  3. 折中主义教学法在英语专业教学中的具体应用

    Application of the Eclectic Approach in the Teaching of College English

  4. 折中主义教学法的含义及其实施策略

    The Connotation of Eclecticism Teaching Method and Its Application

  5. 三教互动并不是折中主义,而是有选择的各取所需。

    It is not compromise but selection absorption of Interaction among those three .

  6. 梁漱溟折中主义文化观对建设社会主义新文化具有极其重要的启示意义。

    Liang Shuming 's opinion of eclecticism culture has very important revelation to constructing socialism culture .

  7. 犯罪论中的折中主义

    Compromised Doctrine of Crime Theory

  8. 把中立当作折中主义而加以批判和彻底抛弃是不妥当的。

    It 's not appropriate to regard neutralism as eclecticism and then criticize or thoroughly abandon it .

  9. 这种折中主义的走势将继续成为美国少年司法未来发展中的明显特色。

    That compromising method will continue to be a feature of the American juvenile justice system in the future .

  10. 梁漱溟思想中的折中主义倾向也与他的绝对整体主义文化观和主观文化论有关。

    The tendency of eclecticism in Liang shuming 's thought is also relation to his opinion of absolute holism culture and subjective culture .

  11. 在操用解构理论的时候落入结构主义的困境;在借用葛兰西霸权理论的时候误入折中主义立场。

    Said falls into the dilemma of reconstructing new discourse hegemony , embraces the theory of structuralism and signifies his standpoint of eclecticism .

  12. 中庸往往被人们误解为保守主义、折中主义,这其实并不是真正的中庸精神。

    People usually mistake The Mean for conservatism which having no principle , but in fact , this is not real spirit of The Mean .

  13. 对东亚安全问题与分析折中主义范式之间的关系进行研究和讨论,将使国际关系研究者能够综合运用不同研究范式,使其真正得到有关东亚安全问题的全景性、透视性的认识。

    Through discussing the relationship between East Asia security and analytical eclecticism , the researchers can use different paradigms comprehensively , to get an overall view .

  14. 长期以来,人们对于中立的观点和行动是持批判和反对态度的,因为中立与折中主义相同。

    For a long period , the general attitude toward the neutral standpoints and actions was critic and even opposed , because people considered that neutralism is the same with eclecticism .

  15. 他们认为权力、利益和认同的复杂联系限制了任何一种研究传统所做的分析性描述,而通过选择性地利用不同研究传统,可以使它们变得更加容易弄明白,这就是分析折中主义。

    They consider that the complex relationship of power , interests and identify limited any research tradition , but with selectively using them together to make them clear , that is analytical eclecticism .

  16. 实践表明,单独运用任何一种教学法都难以满足我国英语教学的实际要求,因而采用折中主义教学法,并在教学过程中灵活运用就成为了可行途径。

    It is affirmed that it cannot meet English teaching situation in China with single teaching approach or method , and it is effective to apply the eclectic approach to English teaching flexibly .

  17. 折中主义教学法就是根据不同的教学环境对不同的教学方法进行择优选用的方法。教学方法不应拘泥于一种方法,而应博采众长,将传统与现代教学方法结合起来;

    An eclectic approach chooses the best techniques of all the well-known language teaching methods according to the different teaching situations . teachers should adopt an eclectic attitude towards the choice of teaching methodology ;

  18. 这种折中主义在中国传统思想中存在已久,主要表现为中国文化对各种思想的兼容性,其根源则是中国传统思想中的实用理性。

    This kind of eclecticism has existed for a long time in Chinese traditional thoughts . Its main manifestation is the Chinese culture 's compatibility to all kinds of thoughts . It is rooted in the pragmatic reason in Chinese traditional thoughts .

  19. 灰色是最具备开放性的颜色,它可以和任何一种色彩融合,并使这些色彩之间达到一种最令人满意的平衡,它极具开放性的特点与折中主义的原则不谋而合。

    Gray has the characteristics of openness , It can be any kind of color get along very well , and to achieve a satisfactory balance between these colors , The characteristics of the principle of eclecticism and gray open feature is the same reason .

  20. 它以建构主义和折中主义教学法为理论依据,吸收了现有教学模式的合理成份,确立了学生在教学过程中的主体地位,有利于学生自主学习能力的发展和英语综合能力的提高。

    The model , based on constructivism and eclectic teaching approach , establishes the subject status of students in the process of learning and teaching and benefits the development of not only the students ' ability of using English but also their autonomy of learning .

  21. 通过对折中教学法的定义及其理论基础的分析,阐述折中教学法的主要特点和基本原则,进而指出大学英语教学就其教学大纲、教材、教法诸方面皆是折中主义外语教学的体现。

    Through the analysis of the definition and theoretical foundation of eclectic approach , this paper elaborates its special features and fundamental principle , and then points out that current college English teaching is of eclectic nature , which is embodied in its syllabus , materials and teaching methods .