- petition;appeal to the higher authorities for help;apply for an audience with the higher authorities to appeal for help;meet with the higher authorities

[appeal to the higher authorities for help] 群众到上级机关反映问题并要求解决
Many Weibo users said they expected the crash due to the number of potential petitioners .
That number must grow to 100000 petitioners before August 1-or it won 't be considered .
Many users proposed visiting government offices on Lunar New Year 's Eve , to ascertain whether officials are working as hard as everyone else .
That makes the process more convenient , said officials who spoke to state media , and allows them to track the process of their pleas .
Many of China * s Internet users argued that the online petitioning system , like its real-world counterpart , both suffers limitations and offers avenues for abuse .
The local public security bureau had provided him with a humanitarian payment of 100000 yuan ( $ 16280 ) in 2009 , according to the announcement , but he nevertheless continued to petition .
According to Xinhua , Mr. Jis family began petitioning the Dongguan police in July 2005 , saying Mr. Ji had been paralyzed as the result of a beating he had received at the hands of informal police staff the previous month .
Many saw in Mr. Jis desperate act a striking indictment of Chinas petitioning system , which has long been criticized for being ineffective and giving people false hope , and some worried that the attention Mr. Ji has received as a result of the bombing could encourage others to follow suit .