
kǎ tǎ ní yà
  • Catania
  1. 马泽尔认为,自己职业生涯的成熟始于1953年的平安夜。当时仍是罗马一名学生的他受邀前往卡塔尼亚贝里尼剧院(TeatroBellini),接替一名健康状况欠佳的指挥。

    Mr. Maazel dated the start of his mature career to Christmas Eve 1953 , when , still a student in Rome , he was invited to step in for an ailing conductor at the Teatro Bellini , in Catania .

  2. 第一部抗震规章于重建卡塔尼亚时实施。

    The first anti-earthquake regulations were implemented in the rebuilding of Catania .

  3. 在卡塔尼亚他将必须证明自己名副其实。

    In Catania he will have to show us all why that is .

  4. 我为周六与卡塔尼亚的比赛做好了准备。

    I hope to be ready and available for Saturday 's game against Catania .

  5. 我要感谢卡塔尼亚,是他们给了我闪光的机会。

    I would like to thank Catania as they gave me the chance to shine .

  6. 我们现在的目标是卡塔尼亚,我们希望拉近积分。

    We have Catania in our sights and we hope to move closer to them .

  7. 我将很有可能采取和对阵卡塔尼亚时同样种类的比赛方法。

    It is possible that I 'll field the same sort of system used against Catania .

  8. 卡塔尼亚国际视听节

    Catania International Audio Visual Festival

  9. 在和卡塔尼亚的比赛之后,我的膝盖又肿了起来,那不是我所希望的。

    My knee swelled up after the game against Catania at the weekend , but that was expected .

  10. 意大利西西里岛东部一城市,濒临卡塔尼亚湾,是爱奥尼亚海的一个海湾。

    A city of eastern Sicily , Italy on the Gulf of Catania , an inlet of the Ionian Sea .

  11. 我们有必要让一些球员在对卡塔尼亚和拉齐奥队的比赛中休息,这些比赛非常重要。

    We have the necessity of resting some players , these games against Catania and Lazio will be very important .

  12. 米哈伊诺维奇坦承,有朝一日执教国际米兰是他的梦想。但是,今年夏天,他可能不会离开卡塔尼亚。

    Sinisa Mihajlovic has admitted that he would love to manage Inter one day , although he will not leave Catania this summer .

  13. 拉齐奥经过了上周不堪回首的表现之后,本轮意欲在卡塔尼亚身上找回赢球的感觉,因为后者也同样受困于状态不稳定。

    After a weekend to forget , Lazio will look to get back to winning ways against a Catania side also plagued by inconsistency .

  14. 卡塔尼亚新掌门人詹保罗确实需要严肃对待他的工作,因为这为他提供了在意甲飞黄腾达的混凝土基础。

    Catania 's new boss Giampaolo really needs to take this job seriously as it gives him a concrete base to make it big in Serie A.

  15. 至于马尔蒂尼的身体状况,在对卡塔尼亚的比赛中他踢了半个小时,现在他正进行特别训练使膝上不会加重。

    As for Maldini 's fitness , he played an hour against Catania , now he 's undrgoing specific training so the knee doesn 't swell up .