
cāng cù
  • rush;hasty;hastily;in a hurry;hurried;hurriedly;dash;pell-mell
仓促 [cāng cù]
  • [hastily;hurriedly;in a hurry] 匆促地。也作仓卒、仓猝

  • 成仓猝莫知所救,顿足失色。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  • 走得仓促

仓促[cāng cù]
  1. 不要勉强自己仓促作出决定。

    Don 't let yourself be pressured into making a hasty decision .

  2. 政府不应该迫于压力仓促作出决定。

    The Government should not be pressured into making hasty decisions

  3. 我们不想仓促行事。

    We don 't want to act precipitously .

  4. 这个解决方案是为了赢得党的会议的赞誉而仓促搞出来的表面文章。

    This solution is a fudge rushed in to win cheers at the party conference .

  5. 仓促达成了一项协议。

    An agreement was hastily stitched together .

  6. 那是个仓促的决定。

    It was a snap decision .

  7. 他们还没有充分了解这项任务就仓促行动了。

    They had rushed in without adequate appreciation of the task

  8. 他们仓促举行了葬礼,掩盖了所有证据。

    They rushed the burial through so no evidence would show up .

  9. 她不愿因恐慌而仓促结婚。

    She refused to be panicked into a hasty marriage .

  10. 我认为,这件事非常重要,不能仓促作决定。

    I think this is too important for a snap decision

  11. 他们说自己不会被迫仓促作出任何决定。

    They say they are not going to be hurried into any decision

  12. 这些译文中有不够准确、下笔仓促的痕迹。

    The translations bear the signs of inaccuracy and haste .

  13. 我不会仓促行事,我会一步一步地来。

    I am not rushing things and I 'm taking it step by step

  14. 律师并非以仓促求变著称。

    Lawyers are not noted for rushing into change .

  15. 这封信是仓促手写而成,潦草得几乎无法辨认。

    The letter was handwritten , in a hasty , barely decipherable scrawl .

  16. 他们在河水上涨仓促逃离时,丢掉了一些值钱的装备。

    In their haste to escape the rising water , they dropped some expensive equipment

  17. 一份协议被仓促拼凑了出来。

    A hasty deal was patched together .

  18. 搜寻时不能仓促行事。

    You can 't rush a search

  19. 这太仓促了。

    It was all rather a rush

  20. 反对党担心的是,选举会在他们组织妥当之前仓促举行。

    The opposition is worried that a snap election will be held before they can get organised .

  21. 作决定应谨防仓促草率。

    You should beware of making hasty decisions .

  22. 他很快就对自己的仓促感到后悔。

    He soon regretted his haste .

  23. 他的妻子告诉他不要仓促行事。

    His wife told him not to go off at halfcock .

  24. 这个顽固的莽汉,不预先考虑,仓促行事。

    The headstrong impetuous man rushed into things without forethought .

  25. 我是在匆忙中仓促决定买下这双价格昂贵的靴子的。

    I was rush into buying these expensive boots .

  26. 这本书好像是仓促拼凑的。

    This book looks as if it 's just been chucked together .

  27. 我走得太仓促。

    I left in too great a hurry .

  28. 那是非常仓促地完成的。

    It was done with great haste .

  29. 准备仓促,演出少不了会有缺点。

    The performance has been arranged at short notice , so it 's bound to have shortcomings .

  30. 你知道你处理问题是多么仓促,毫无合适的演绎就仓促下结论。

    You know how you rush at things , jump to conclusions without proper deductions .