
cānɡ xiāo
  • barn owl
  1. 若你真有麻烦就学仓鸮叫两声,再学褐鸮叫一声。

    If you run into trouble , hoot twice like a barn owl and once like a brown owl . Twice like a barn owl .

  2. 由民众投票选出的10个最终候选鸟分别是:知更鸟,翠鸟,仓鸮,蓝冠山雀,鹪鹩,画眉,海鹦,疣鼻天鹅,赤鸢和白尾鹞。

    The 10 most popular birds which have been voted for the by the public are the robin , kingfisher , barn owl , blue tit , wren , blackbird , puffin , mute swan , red kite and hen harrier .

  3. 大多数仓鸮都是笼养的。

    The great majority of barn owls are reared in captivity

  4. 大多数仓鸮都是笼养的

    The great majority of barn owls are reared in captivity .

  5. 除北极和密克罗尼西亚外,普通仓鸮遍布全世界。

    The common Barn owl is found worldwide except in Antarctica and Micronesia .

  6. 仓鸮叫两声,不,褐鸮叫两声…你们确定这是好主意?

    No , twice like a brown . Once like a , like a. .. Are you sure this is a good idea ?

  7. 2004年1月,在广西南部中越边境地区的宁明县考察时,采到一号形目鸟类标本,经鉴定为仓鸮(Tytoalba),是广西鸟类新纪录。

    A specimen of Tyto alba was collected in Ningming county , Sino-Vietnam border area , south Guangxi . It is a new record of bird species in Guangxi .