
  • 网络Katyn;Cutting
  1. 苏联红军犯下了可怕的战争罪行,特别是在卡廷(Katyn)大规模屠杀波兰军官。

    The Red Army committed hideous war crimes , notably the destruction of the Polish officer corps at Katyn .

  2. 卡钦斯基一行原本要前往卡廷森林参加一项纪念活动。1940年,苏联在约瑟夫斯大林(JosefStalin)的命令下,处决了2.2万名波兰人,其中包括4000名波兰军官。

    The delegation was on its way for a remembrance service at the Katyn forest where the Soviets executed 4,000 Polish officers , of 22,000 Poles killed in 1940 on the orders of Josef Stalin .

  3. 碑文写着:马格勒斯之子卡廷长眠于此。

    The inscription reads : Here lies Catin , the son of Magarus

  4. 接下来,在Cloudera的支持下,卡廷要开始专注于研究与大数据技术配套的法律政策。

    Looking ahead , Cutting with the support of Cloudera has begun to focus on the policy needed to accommodate big data technology .

  5. 1990年,苏联正式承认对卡廷事件负全部责任。

    The Soviet Union acknowledged the massacre in 1990 .

  6. 卡廷解释道:谷歌处理问题的方法与众不同,十分有用。

    The way Google was approaching things was different and powerful , Cutting explained .

  7. 你知道卡廷大道在哪里吗?

    Do you know where Cutting Boulevard is ?

  8. 从马斯卡廷我们家的客厅展开

    unfold from our living room in Muscatine

  9. 可身为强硬派的卡钦斯基总统并没有出席此纪念活动,而是坚持在三天后亲自访问卡廷。

    Mr Kaczynski did not attend that ceremony , instead insisting on his own visit three days later .

  10. 卡钦斯基原定于抵达斯摩棱斯克的卡廷,参加纪念卡廷事件受害者活动。

    Kaczynski had been flying to Katyn , near Smolensk , to commemorate the victims of the Katyn massacre .

  11. 卡廷说:它能够处理分布式计算中的那些困难的部分,如此一来,人们就可以专心编写自己的程序。

    It took care of the hard part of distributed computing so you could focus just on your application , Cutting said .

  12. 这个软件的创造者是道格o卡廷和麦克o卡法雷拉。它与许多其他发明一样,都是应需而生。

    Created by Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella , the software - like so many other inventions - was born of necessity .

  13. “显然,必须进一步改善就业状况,”卡廷说,“同时还需要解决政府的僵局。”

    " Obviously job creation has to improve , " cutting says , " as well as the gridlock that engulfs Washington . "

  14. 1943年4月13日,纳粹德国宣布在卡廷森林发现被苏联杀害的万具波兰军人尸体。

    Nazi Germany announced the discovery of mass graves in the Katyn Forest in1943.The Soviet Union denied and subsequently blamed on the Nazis .

  15. 卡廷说:我知道其他人可能会碰到类似的问题,但我不知道居然这么多人都有。

    I knew other people would probably have similar problems , but I had no idea just how many other people , Cutting said .

  16. 一九四三年,德国宣布在卡廷森林发现四千四百四十三名波兰军官的乱葬岗,并说他们是遭俄国屠杀的。

    In1943 , Germany announced the discovery of the mass graves of4443 Polish officers in the Katyn Forest , and accused the Russians of having carried out the massacre .

  17. 在上世纪60年代,受我母亲热衷于社会公正的影响,我们看到民权和反战运动从马斯卡廷我们家的客厅展开。

    In the late 60s , influenced by my mothers passion for social justice , we watched the civil rights and anti-war movements unfold from our living room in Muscatine .

  18. 回首往昔,卡廷说:我猜我们开展得足够早,作为第一批推动者,我们做的又是开源产品,也付出了大量努力,这一切让我们与许多早期竞争者区分了开来。

    Looking back , my conjecture is that we were early enough , and that the combination of being first movers and being open source and being a substantial effort kept there from being a lot of competitors early on , he said .

  19. 卡廷表示,即便有竞争者想要迎头赶上,“你又怎么能拼得过开源产品呢?和开源产品竞争是非常困难的事——其他所有人都会为它做贡献,他们没有成本。加入他们比对抗他们更容易。”

    And even if a competitor did manage to catch up , " how would you compete with something open source ? " Cutting said . " Competing against open source is a tough game - everybody else is collaborating on it ; the cost is zero . It 's easier to join than to fight . "