
  • 网络johann nepomuk hummel;Johann Nepomnk Hummel;J. N. Hummel
  1. 本文通过对《降E大调小号协奏曲》艺术特色的分析,试图纠正人们这一错误观点,提高人们对胡梅尔小号协奏曲的重视。

    In this article , we will analysis the character of his bE trumpet concerto , in order to make people give enough attention to Hummel ' trumpet concerto .

  2. 胡梅尔表示:中国投资者也学会了避免犯一些德国企业在中国依然在犯的一个错误:他们尽量不去过多地干涉本土管理层。

    Mr Hummel says : Chinese investors have also learnt to avoid a mistake that is still being made by some German companies in China : they refrain from interfering too much with local management .