
  1. 第三部分:中国抗战诗歌中的日本形象。

    Part III : the Japanese images in Anti-Japanese War poetry .

  2. 抗战诗歌朗诵运动中关于朗诵诗的讨论

    Discussion about " Recitation Poem " in Anti-Japanese Poem Recitation Movement

  3. 西部抗战诗歌的历史作用是非常明显的。

    The historical effect of the Anti-Japanese War poetry was very obvious .

  4. 第四章是西部抗战诗歌的历史作用及现实意义。

    The fourth chapter is the historical effect and practical significance of the poetry .

  5. 抗战诗歌朗诵运动发生的原因

    The Cause of the Occurrence of the Poem Recitation Movement on Anti - Japanese

  6. 第三章对中国大西南、大西北抗战诗歌进行详细论述并加以比较。

    The third chapter discusses and compares southwest and northwest of Chinese Anti-Japanese War poetry in detail .

  7. 因此,通过分析西部抗战诗歌产生的时代背景,我们可以更深入地了解抗日战争对西部诗歌发展所产生的影响,以及西部抗战诗歌作为精神动力对抗日战争所起的积极作用。

    So we can further know the effect about Anti-Japanese War to the poetry by analysing the background .

  8. 和当时许多慷慨激昂、充满战斗力量的抗战诗歌相比,它是属于另类的沉郁风格的诗。

    Compared with many impassioned and forceful anti-Japanese poems , it belongs to a different style & gloominess .

  9. 第二章阐述中国西部抗战诗歌的分类及特点。

    The second chapter is the classification and characteristic of Anti-Japanese War poetry in the west of China .

  10. 首先是第一章论述西部抗战诗歌兴起的背景及表现。

    The first chapter discusses the background and the expression of how the Anti-Japanese War poetry came into being .

  11. 目前关于西部抗战诗歌的研究尚处于薄弱状态。

    At present , the poetry research about the west of China during the wartime is still in a weak state .

  12. 抗日战争这一特定的历史背景,为诗人的诗歌创作提供了丰富的素材,所以西部抗战诗歌出现繁荣的景象。

    Anti-Japanese War this one specially appointed historical setting , provided rich material for the poet to create poetry , so the poetry creation in the west of China flourished .

  13. 最后在结语部分,总结日本形象对中抗战诗歌研究的意义,从而推动中日抗战文学文化的交流。

    Of novel Japan , Finally in the " Conclusion " section , the author concludes the research meaning of Japanese image to anti-war poetry , boosting the cultural communication between sino-japan literature .

  14. 在文中,作者具体分析了诗歌大众化实践的三种具体形态,朗诵诗、歌谣和街头诗,这也是抗战诗歌大众化最为显著的三种实践形态。

    In the text , the author analyses three specific forms of the popularity practice , reciting poems , ballads and street poems , which are the most significant in the process of popularity .

  15. 作为全国政治、军事、经济和文化中心,重庆的抗战诗歌在整个抗战文学中无疑占有重要地位。

    To this regard , poems on Anti-Japanese War written in Chongqing have taken a significant role in the entire picture of Anti-Japanese War literature . Chongqing has become a national political , military , economy and cultural center .

  16. 彭桂萼服务抗战的诗歌大众化探索有力地推进了现实主义诗歌的发展。

    The exploration of the popularity of poetry for serving the Anti-Japanese War greatly helped the development of the poems of realism .

  17. 而他的抗战前期的诗歌理论也是极有影响的,它是艾青在总结前人的诗歌理论和结合自己的诗歌创作经验的基础上的新的创造。

    Ai Qing 's poetic theories in the former part of the War were influential creations by summarizing former poetic theories and integrating his own compositional experiences .

  18. 它和抗战时期的小说、戏剧、音乐、电影一样具有很强的政治性,被称为政治史诗,同时对西部抗战诗歌的研究又有着深刻的现实意义。

    It had very strong political nature like drama , music , film of this period , named political poetry . And it has deep practical significance of doing research .