
  • 网络Coccidiostats;anticoccidials;anticoccidial drugs;Sulfaquinoxaline
  1. 河北秦皇岛柔嫩艾美耳分离株对常用抗球虫药的抗药性研究

    Studies on drug resistance of Eimeria tenella isolated from Qinhuangdao Hebei province to commonly used coccidiostats

  2. 饲料中低水平的抗球虫药也可转移入蛋中

    Even low levels of coccidiostats in feed may carry-over to eggs

  3. 最后,泌乳期饲料一般都不含有B族维生素和抗球虫药。

    Finally , lactation complete feeds do not contain added B-vitamins or coccidiostat .

  4. 抗球虫药常山酮中间体7-溴-6-氯-4(3H)-喹唑啉酮的合成

    Synthesis of Anticoccidial Drug Halofuginone Intermediate of 7-Bromo-6-chloro-4 ( 3H ) - quinazolinone

  5. 禽兔抗球虫药常山酮的合成研究&Ⅰ.中间体6-氯-7-溴-4(3H)喹唑啉酮的制备

    Study on the Synthesis of Halofuginone ⅰ . Preparation of Intermediate 7-bromo-6-chloro-4 ( 3H ) - quinazolinone

  6. 常山酮(Halofuginone,Hal)是一种应用广泛的抗球虫药,以3mg/kg的浓度添加到饲料中用于预防和治疗家禽的球虫病。

    Halofuginone ( Hal ) is a widely used anti-coccidiosis agent , which is usually used as a feed additive at the medicated concentration of 3mg / kg for the prevention and treatment of the coccidiosis in poultry .

  7. 几种抗球虫药防治鸡盲肠球虫病的疗效试验

    Efficacy of four coccidiostatic drugs against E.tenella in experimental infected chicken

  8. 当今世界上最好的抗球虫药。

    Nuoqiu is the best anti-coccidial drug in the world .

  9. 柔嫩艾美耳球虫秦皇岛和唐山分离株对7种抗球虫药的耐药性

    Resistance of Eimeria tenella isolates from Qinhuangdao and Tangshan to seven anticoccidiosis drugs

  10. 这些耐药相关基因片段可能参与了球虫抗球虫药耐药性产生的过程。

    These drug-resistant relative genes maybe be involved in the development of drug resistance .

  11. 抗球虫药氯吡多的工艺改进

    Improved Process of Anticoccidiosis Drug CLOPIDOL

  12. 目的为比较中药和化学抗球虫药对兔球虫病的疗效。

    In order to compare the efficacy of Chinese traditional medicine and chemical medicine against rabbit coccidiosis .

  13. 抗球虫药在鸡胚球虫感染中活性峰期测定方法的研究

    Study on Determination of the time of peak activity of anticoccidials against E. tenella infection in chick embryos

  14. 然而,由于许多抗球虫药出现了严重的抗药性而使用受限。

    However , the emergence of drug resistance in coccidia is a great problem with most of the drugs , which , in due course , limits their use .

  15. 聚醚类抗生素又称离子载体抗生素,是目前广泛使用的高效、广谱抗球虫药,也可作为畜禽的促生长剂。

    Polyether antibiotics , also known as ionophore antibiotic , was widely used as high - efficiency , broad-spectrum anti-Coccidiostats , can also be used as animal growth-promoting agent .

  16. 试验结果表明:球虫疫苗组与抗球虫药组的平均日增重差异不显著(P>0。05);

    The result of experiment shows that nonsignificant diversity ( P > 0.05 ) of the averaged daily gaining in weight for the group of coccidium vaccine and anti-coccidiosis agent group .

  17. 选用数种作用机理不同、活性峰期相异的抗球虫药及其合剂,采用不同的给药方案,观察不同给药方案对球虫免疫的影响。

    Influence of various medication programs on development of immunity to coccidiosis was observed in chickens medicated some selected single anticoccidial drugs and their combinations which had different action modes and the time of peak activity .

  18. 并根据最适抗球虫活性百分率(POAA)病变记分减少率(RLS)、相对卵囊产量(ROP)、三项指标综合判定球虫对上述抗球虫药的耐药性。

    Drug resistance was assessed by percent of optimum anticoccidial activity ( POAA ), reduction of lesion scores ( RLS ) and relative oocysts production ( ROP ) .

  19. 抗精神病药3-(1-{3-[(4-(2-嘧啶基))-1-哌嗪基]}丙基)氨-2H-1,4-苯并恶嗪与抗球虫药尼卡巴嗪的合成研究

    Studies on the Synthesis of Antipsychotic Drug 3 - ( 1 - [ 3 - { ( 4-pyrimidin-2-yl ) Piperazin-1-yl } ] Propyl ) Amino-2 H-1 , 4-benzoxazine and Anticoccidial Nicarb