
  • 网络Pla;polylactic acid;pla fiber
  1. 通过试验,分析了染料结构对聚乳酸纤维染色性能的影响,并与分散染料染涤纶(PET)纤维进行了对比。

    Influence of the structure of dyestuffs on dyeability of PLA fiber was compared with that on PET fibers .

  2. 聚乳酸纤维是一种新型的合成纤维。

    The PLA fiber is a new kind of synthetic fiber .

  3. 商业化生产的几种INGEO~(TM)聚乳酸纤维

    Several kinds of INGEO ~ ( TM ) PLA fibers on commercialization manufacture

  4. INGEO~(TM)聚乳酸纤维室内装饰品燃烧性能测试

    Test on flame performance of INGEO ~ ( TM ) PLA interior decoration product

  5. 聚乳酸纤维(PLA纤维)是新一代环保型聚酯合成纤维,它给纺织工业开发新产品带来了新的发展机会,也给染整加工提出了新的挑战。

    Polylactide fiber is one new generation of eco-friendly synthetic fibers . It provides a new chance for the development of textile industry and makes the existing dyeing and finishing face a challenge .

  6. INGEO聚乳酸纤维本身固有的自熄性能使其产品不需要经过任何处理或涂层就可符合燃烧性能的要求。

    INGEO PLA fiber product can meet requirements of flame resistance without any treatment or coating process due to its self-extinguishing performance .

  7. 结果表明,当pH值为5时,在110℃染30~40min后聚乳酸纤维能获得稳定的染色效果,但需小心控制还原清洗条件,否则会造成色相和色深明显变化。

    The results showed that the most favorable effects were obtained at pH value 5 , temperature 110 ℃ and time 30 ~ 40 min , but the reductive cleansing conditions should be carefully controlled , otherwise it will lead to obviously change in hue and color depth .

  8. 湿处理对聚乳酸纤维结构和性能的影响

    Impact of wet processing on structure and properties of PLA fiber

  9. 聚乳酸纤维制备医用敷料的可行性研究

    A feasible study of PLA fiber 's application to medical use

  10. 聚乳酸纤维的开发、染色及发展前景

    The Exploiting on Dyeing and Developing Prospect of Poly-Lactic Acid Fibers

  11. 聚乳酸纤维及其非织造布的生产和应用

    Production and Application of Polylactic Acid Fibre and Its Nonwovens

  12. 聚乳酸纤维纺织品的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Polylaticmacid ( PLA ) Fibre Textile

  13. 聚乳酸纤维的可纺性研究及产品开发

    Study on the spinnability of the PLA fiber and its product development

  14. 聚乳酸纤维分散染料染色工艺的研究

    A Study on the Dyeing Process of PLA Fiber with Disperse Dyes

  15. 聚乳酸纤维的制备及其染色性能分析

    Preparation of Fiber & PLA and Analysis of its Dyeability

  16. 聚乳酸纤维染整加工的进展

    Progress in the research about the dyeing and finishing of polylactide fiber

  17. 聚乳酸纤维/棉混纺纱的力学性能研究

    Research on mechanical property of polylactic acid and cotton fiber blended yarn

  18. 聚乳酸纤维电纺成形及其形态结构控制的研究

    Preparation and Morphology Control Study of Electrospun Poly ( Lactic-acid ) Fibers

  19. 聚乳酸纤维混纺转杯纱的工艺实践

    Process practice of blended polylactic acid fiber rotor-spun yarn

  20. 聚乳酸纤维的发展过程及现状

    The Development and Current Situation of Polylactic Acid Fibers

  21. 聚乳酸纤维在不同温度下的力学性能研究

    A mechanical property study of corn polylactic acid fiber under different temperature status

  22. 三叶异形聚乳酸纤维的熔融纺丝及其性能研究

    Study on melt spinning process and properties of trilobal profiled polylactic acid fiber

  23. 聚乳酸纤维的合成加工与应用

    The Synthesis and Spinning of Poly ( lactic acid ) Fibers and Their Applications

  24. 分散染料剂型加工及其在聚乳酸纤维上染色性能影响研究

    Disperse Dyes Form and Size and Its Relationship with Dyeing Ability on PLA Fiber

  25. 聚乳酸纤维及其纱线的生产工艺

    Process technology of PLA fiber and yarn

  26. 阐述了聚乳酸纤维乳酸、聚乳酸的生产工艺。

    The production process of lactic acid , poly-lactic acid of PLA fiber is elaborated .

  27. 绿色环保纤维&聚乳酸纤维

    Green environmental protection fiber & ploy-lactic-acid fiber

  28. 环保型聚乳酸纤维的开发和应用

    Development and Application of Environmental-friendly Polylactic Fibers

  29. 聚乳酸纤维及其应用

    Polylactic Acid Fiber and its Applications

  30. 纺纱生产时聚乳酸纤维含量应避免50%~65%的比例。

    50 % ~ 65 % is the suitable ratio for polylactic acid fiber in spinning production .