
  • 网络aggregated distribution;clump;aggregated pattern;clumped distribution
  1. TEM观察发现由连铸坯表层至中心处硫化物夹杂量逐渐增加,且在中心出现聚集分布,这些都与连铸坯中心处Mn偏析有关。

    TEM observation shows that the quantity of sulfide inclusions increases from the surface to the center , and the inclusions appear aggregated distribution at the center .

  2. 比较ADSCs和DA成骨及成软骨的能力。结果:①原代MA呈小圆形指环状、形态规则,聚集分布。

    The chondrogenic and osteogenic potential of ADSCs and DA were compared . Results : ① Primary MA showed a regular ring-like small circular morphology , and was aggregated distribution .

  3. 而目前软件需求建模方法对面向服务的计算缺乏足够的支持,无法有效聚集分布在网络中的Web服务资源来提高信息系统的开发效率。

    However , lacking enough support in service-oriented computation currently , modeling methods of software requirement cannot get Web services resource distributed in network together to improve development efficiency of information system effectively .

  4. 荔枝(Litchichinensis)和山杜英(Elaeocarpussylvestris)两种群有基本型聚集分布的特点并表现出个体间的聚集现象。

    Litchi chinensis and Elaeocarpus sylvestris had the characteristic of basic congregate population and attractive characteristic between their plants .

  5. 本文应用R尺度法对福建武平米槠种群空间分布进行分析,结果表明米槠种群分布格局及其动态均为聚集分布;种群分布格局动态随立木级增大聚集度越来越低。

    In Wuping County , Fujian Province , R-Scale analysis on the spatial pattern and developing dynamics of Castanopsis carlesii population showed that the population displayed clumped distribution and the clumped intensity declined with increasing of tree class .

  6. 过高的Si含量促使碳化物聚集分布,一定程度上可提高了耐磨性,但合金韧性下降过多也使其下降。

    Excessive Si can promote the aggregation of primary carbides , which improves the abrasion resistance in some degree but the continuous decrease of the toughness due to Si makes against the improving of abrasion resistance .

  7. 经Poisson函数和χ2检验,发现褐马鸡在越冬期和繁殖期均为聚集分布,但越冬期的聚集程度更为明显。

    According to Poisson tests and χ 2 tests , the spatial pattern of brown eared pheasant had a clustered distribution both in winter and in the breeding season , but most obviously in the wintering period .

  8. 2在0~100cm尺度上,无牧、轻牧条件下冷蒿种群的空间格局为聚集分布;

    Under non-grazing and light-grazing conditions , the spatial patterns of Artemisia frigida populations were aggregated at 0 ~ 100cm scales ;

  9. 在进行R树结点分裂时,根据空间对象聚集分布的特性,提出了一种基于聚类技术的R树结点分裂算法(C-Linear),进一步优化了空间数据的组织,有效地提高了索引效率。

    According to the gathered characters of spatial datum , we present a new algorithm , termed as C-Linear ( A Linear Splitting Algorithm of R-tree Nodes Based on Clustering Technique of Partition ) .

  10. 采用Iwao的m~-m回归分析和Taylor幂的法则,测定三种松毛虫混合种群幼虫的空间分布型和其单一种群一样呈聚集分布,以个体群的形式存在于林间。

    In order to analyse the distribution pattern of the larvae of three kinds caterpillar mixed communty in forest the M ~ & M regression analysing method of Iwao and Taylor 's power law were used in this paper .

  11. 土壤水分和植被空间分布在样带上存在明显的空间异质性,表现在小于100m的尺度上随机分布,而在100~3110m的尺度上呈聚集分布格局。

    Soil moisture and vegetation exist strong distribution pattern of spatial heterogeneity , showing a random distribution at small scale ( < 100m ) and a mass distribution structure in larger scale ( 100 & 3110m ) .

  12. 结论在SVZ-EL区含有不同类型细胞核,其中成神经样细胞核呈聚集分布,但其周围没有特定结构包裹现象。

    Conclusions The nuclei in the SVZ-EL are of different types . Among them , the neuroblast-like nuclei are distributed in clusters , but the clusters are not enwrapped by any special structure .

  13. 草地资源缀块聚集分布时草食动物时空分布模型

    The Distribution Model of Grazing Animals on Aggregated Grassland Resource Patches

  14. 巴东木莲在群落中呈聚集分布格局。

    The spatial pattern of Manglietia patungensis was a clumped distribution .

  15. 结果表明幼虫的分布型符合聚集分布。

    The result showed an aggregation distribution pattern for the larvae .

  16. 结果表明,樟叶蜂幼虫为聚集分布。

    The results showed : larvas of Moricella rufonota were gathering distribution .

  17. 蛴螬在花生地呈聚集分布型。

    The white grubs present an aggregate distribution in the peanut fields .

  18. 幼虫和蛹的空间分布均为聚集分布。

    The spatial distribution patterns of larvae and pupae are congregating distribution .

  19. 主要乔木种群均服从聚集分布。

    The spatial patterns of dominant tree populations conform to aggregated distribution .

  20. 幼虫在田间为聚集分布。

    The distribution pattern of the larvae in the fields is aggregated .

  21. 种群分布格局呈聚集分布,并向随机分布发展;

    The population spatial pattern was clump and to random .

  22. 花生蛴螬田间分布属于聚集分布。

    Mixed populations of peanut white grubs display an aggregated pattern of distribution .

  23. 在水平空间上,8个可能的共建种群均服从聚集分布;

    The horizontal spatial pattern of 8 dominance populations conform to aggregated distribution .

  24. 发现玛曲旅游区的旅游资源呈现多中心的片状聚集分布。

    The tourist resources show multi-center at different distributions .

  25. 4~15时,呈聚集分布;

    Or aggregation distribution while damage index is 4-15 ;

  26. 草地中43种主要种群的分布格局为聚集分布,7种少见种为随机分布。

    43 species patter distribution are clumped and 7 scale species are random .

  27. 灌木层的10个优势种群均符合聚集分布;

    In shrub layer , all of ten shrub populations conform to aggregated distribution ;

  28. 结果表明这三个建群种均符合聚集分布。

    The results showed that these three species distributed in the congregate spatial pattern .

  29. 其聚集分布的强度随寄生虫种群平均密度的增加而降低。

    The degree of the overdispersion decreases with the increase of the mean density .

  30. 植株受光照不足的胁迫,种群大部分个体聚集分布于光照充足的林窗中;

    The population habitat was restricted in the canopy gaps because of sunlight deficiency stress .