
  • 网络polyethylene pipe
  1. S4实验在聚乙烯管道中的应用

    Application of S4 test in the polyethylene pipe

  2. 聚乙烯管道系统的连接技术问题(2)

    Joining Technology of Polyethylene Pipe System ( 2 )

  3. 以最大荷载CTOD为基础,对聚乙烯管道的母材及其热熔对接焊接头在不同温度下的抗开裂性能进行了测试、比较和分析。

    Based on maximum load CTOD , the resistance to initiation fracture at different temperatures for base material and butt fusion welding joint of PE pipe were tested , compared and analyzed .

  4. 聚乙烯管道热熔对接焊温度场的分析

    Analysis for Temperature Field of Butt Fusion Welding of PE Pipes

  5. 微机控制的聚乙烯管道电熔焊机设计

    Chip microcomputer-based design of electrofusion welding machine for polyethylene pipeline system

  6. 聚乙烯管道的发展对我国合成树脂工业的要求

    Demands on China Synthetic Resins Industry in Development of Polyethylene Pipes

  7. 埋地重力流高密度聚乙烯管道施工变形控制

    Deformation Control of Embedded HDPE Pipe for Gravity Flow in Construction

  8. 此聚乙烯管道电熔焊接机具有焊接质量高、使用方便和节能等特点。

    This paper introduces an intelligent electro-fusion joining machine for polyethylene pines .

  9. 聚乙烯管道电熔接头焊接过程温度场分析

    Analysis on temperature field in electrofusion joint for polyethylene pipes

  10. 建筑给水交联聚乙烯管道工程技术规程

    Technical specification for PEX pipeline engineering of building water supply

  11. 聚乙烯管道热熔接头卷边对拉伸性能的影响

    Effect of Butt Fusion Welding Beads on Tensile Properties of Polyethylene Pipes

  12. 共聚物底胶聚乙烯管道防腐技术的应用

    Application of Polyethylene Pipe Anticorrosion Layer with Copolymer Adhesive

  13. 介绍了各种聚乙烯管道系统的连接技术。

    Various kinds of joining technology used for polyethylene pipe system are introduced .

  14. 聚乙烯管道焊接接头抗开裂性能的研究

    Experimental Research on Resistance to Initiation Fracture for Welded Joint of PE Pipe

  15. 高密度聚乙烯管道电熔焊接头基本力学行为

    Basic mechanical behaviors of high-density polyethylene electro-fusion welded joint

  16. 高密度聚乙烯管道施工质量通病及防治

    Common Quality Defects of High-density Polyethylene Pipes and Preventions

  17. 埋地聚乙烯管道变形检测技术探讨

    Discussion on deformation inspection of buried polyethylene pipeline

  18. 聚乙烯管道热熔对接焊工艺参数对焊接接头性能的影响

    Effect of Technological Parameters of Butt Fusion Welding on Welded Joint Performance of Polyethylene Pipes

  19. 新型聚乙烯管道电熔焊接方法

    New Electrofusion Welding Method for Polyethylene Pipe

  20. 聚乙烯管道焊接过程中,温度场的分布对焊接的质量有重要影响。

    The distribution of temperature field has an important influence on the quality of welding of PE pipes .

  21. 介绍了一种聚乙烯管道热熔焊机控制系统。

    A control system of a butt fusion welding machine for PE pipe is introduced in this paper .

  22. 超高分子量聚乙烯管道成型技术及其在油气集输中的应用

    Molding Technology of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Pipe and Its Application in Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation

  23. 简介了交联聚乙烯管道和增强聚乙烯管道的特殊连接技术。

    Brief introductions are made about the special joining ( technologies ) for PEX pipe and reinforced PE pipe system .

  24. 聚乙烯管道是一种非常好的工程管道材料,在燃气工程上应用尤其广泛。

    Polyethylene ( PE ) pipe is very good material for engineering , and it is wildly used for gas engineering .

  25. 测试和分析了聚乙烯管道热熔对接焊接头的结晶度、硬度、拉伸性能和冲击性能,并与基材的性能进行了比较。

    Crystallinity , hardness , tensile strength and impact toughness of fusion welding joint of polyethylene pipes are tested and analyzed .

  26. 聚乙烯管道由于它重量轻,柔韧性好,易于安装,而使它在工业领域得到了高度评价。

    Polyethylene pipe is highly evaluated in industrial area because of its property such as light weight , flexibility and easy installation work .

  27. 高密度聚乙烯管道以其特殊的性能在水平定向钻进中得到广泛应用,是目前水平定向钻进使用最为普遍的管材。

    High-density polyethylene ( HDPE ) pipe has been widely and most commonly adopted material in the Horizontal Directional Drilling because of its special property .

  28. 列举了几种塑料管道的不同使用范围,最后针对国内聚乙烯管道应用方面存在的问题提出了相关的建议。

    It illustrated the different application feilds of some kinds of plastic pipes and put forward some corresponding suggestions for the problems of application of PE pipes .

  29. 介绍聚乙烯管道的特性,并针对在燃气输配中的设计及施工安全等问题,提出一些相应的措施或建议。

    This paper introduces the property of polyethylene pipeline and puts forward the corresponding measures and suggestions being directed against the design and construction safety in gas transportation .

  30. 该薄型地暖板主要由耐热聚乙烯管道镶嵌在聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料保温层里构成,总厚度仅为12毫米。

    This thin floor-heating panel was mainly composed of heat-resistant polyethylene tube , which was embedded in insulation layer of polystyrene foam , and the total thickness was only12mm .