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  • science fiction film
  1. 这听起来有点像科幻片的桥段,但可延缓衰老进程的药物有望变为现实。

    It sounds like something from a science fiction film , but a pill to counter the ageing process could become a reality .

  2. 真正使《黑客帝国》超出普通科幻片之上并具有独特文化魅力的,是其深刻的宗教内涵及其带给人们的启示。

    It is the profound religious Connotation which brings us inspiration that make it have a special cultural charm beyond science fiction film .

  3. 不过,也有手办套装展现的是更加宽泛的主题,有恐怖片、科幻片、魔幻片、电视和漫画书中的人物,也有原创艺术作品中的人物,还有现存套装模型升级换代的版本。

    However , kits are produced depicting6 a wide range of subjects , from characters from horror , science fiction , fantasy films , television and comic books to original works of art , as well as upgrade and conversion7 kits for existing models .

  4. 有人说道:这难道是部上世纪50年代糟糕的B级科幻片吗?

    Is this some dreadful 1950s sci-fi B movie ? , someone tweeted .

  5. 老版《全面回忆》由保罗•范霍文(PaulVerhoeven)执导,是一部经典科幻片,在当时算得上是一部制作非常精良的电影,那么为什么还要翻拍它呢?

    The original , directed by Paul Verhoeven , was a sci-fi classic , and a terrific piece of filmmaking for its time , so why try to top it ?

  6. 迪士尼还在策划一部科幻片,名为“Fireball”,主角是两个机器人管家。

    Disney is also planning a sci-fi story starring a pair of robotic butlers called'Fireball . '

  7. 科幻片是该地区代表性较弱的影片,我们真的相信,这一新的题材将会开创一个新的趋势,并且EndemolShineChina将继续成为创新创意的领导者,为市场提供独特的影片。“

    Sci-fi drama is an under represented genre across the region and we really believe that this new take will set a new trend and that Endemol Shine China will continue to be the leader in creativity and innovation , making unique offerings to the market . "

  8. 这部电影由斯蒂芬斯皮尔伯格大师执导,应该会是个好电影,怎么说他也拍过了那么多优秀的科幻片和探险片,有《外星人E.T.》、《大白鲨》,还有《夺宝奇兵》、《侏罗纪公园》等等。

    The film is directed by the masterful Steven Spielberg , so it should be a good one , since he has a great history with making great sci-fi and adventure films ( E.T. , Jaws , Raiders of The Lost Ark , Indiana Jones , Jurassic Park , etc. ) .

  9. 我喜欢美国电影,尤其是科幻片。

    I like American movies and I love science fictions in particular .

  10. 吉恩和贝思正在看一部有关外星人的科幻片。

    Gene and Beth are watching a science fiction movie about aliens .

  11. 我喜欢看科幻片,于是就在科幻类下搜索。

    I like science fictions , so I searched under that catagory .

  12. 我喜欢科幻片因为它们刺激。

    I like science-fictions , because they are exciting .

  13. 在所有电影类型里,我最喜欢科幻片。

    Of all types of movies , I like science fiction the best .

  14. 从真实性来看,这部电影更像是科幻片,而非事实。

    In terms of accuracy , the movie is more science fiction than fact .

  15. 恐怖片和惊险片还有科幻片。

    Horror films and thrillers and science fiction .

  16. 是恶魔,还是天使&好莱坞科幻片中外星人形象的演变

    Is Devil or Angel & The Image Change of Outer Space People in Hollywood Movies

  17. 这部科幻片好不好?

    Would this science-fiction movie be alright ?

  18. 另一部我正准备的是部大型科幻片,改编自法国漫画。

    Another one I 'm preparing is a huge sci-fi based on a French comic .

  19. 但杨锦松也指出了国产科幻片让人失望的另一个原因:文化。

    But Yang points to another reason for China ` s disappointing sci-fi films : culture .

  20. 她看廉价的惊险小说消磨了一个下午。恐怖片和惊险片还有科幻片。

    She whiled away the afternoon reading cheap thrills . Horror films and thrillers and science fiction .

  21. 在伦敦进入电影业后,裘德·洛继续朝好莱坞迈进,他的首部影片为科幻片《千钧一发》。

    After breaking into film in London , Law moved on to Tinseltown with the sci-fi flick Gattaca .

  22. 爱情片和科幻片经常看,今天就换一下口味吧。

    I often see a romance or science fiction . And today I 'd like to have a change .

  23. 吕克·贝松导演还邀请他出演了科幻片《星际特工:千星之城》。

    Luc Besson also cast him in the sci-fi fantasy , Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets .

  24. 但是,这些影片实质上并非科幻片——它们更像是美好的命运寓言。

    Only these films , in spirit , aren 't science-fiction - they 're closer to sweet fables of destiny .

  25. 好吧,西部片、探险片、战争片或者科幻片,你最喜欢哪种?

    Well , western , adventure , war or science fiction movies , which of them do you like best ?

  26. 本届金酸莓奖还特设了“十年最差”单元。约翰特拉沃塔出演的科幻片《地球战场》获评“十年最差影片”。

    Razzie voters also made worst-of-the-decade picks , with John Travolta 's science-fiction debacle " Battlefield Earth " winning worst picture .

  27. 他演过电视剧,犯罪连续剧,惊悚片,西部片,恐怖片,科幻片,音乐剧。

    He 's been in dramas and crime serials , thrillers , westerns , horror movies , science fiction , musicals .

  28. 如同许多的科幻片所描述的那样,也许在未来的某一天我们可以把生活空间缩小为一个虚拟世界。

    Like many science fiction films described , perhaps we can change our living space to a virtual world in the future .

  29. 按照这些指示制作的首批节目之一是在伦敦拍摄的科幻片《黑镜》。

    One of the first programmes made to follow these instructions is sci-fi series Black Mirror , filmed in London and on location .

  30. 在热门科幻片中,机器人经常以反派的角色出现——统治世界、奴役人类,没有灵魂。

    ROBOTS ARE OFTEN CAST in popular science fiction as the villains - soulless automatons that take over the world and enslave mankind .