
  • Kolo;【人名】Caulo
  1. 科洛。图雷在禁赛半年之后还得重新证明自己。

    Kolo Tour é is trying to re-establish himself after his six-month ban .

  2. 仅仅两周,布鲁克林贝克汉姆就和她的好莱坞前女友科洛?

    Just over two weeks since Brooklyn Beckham and his Hollywood actress ex-girlfriend Chlo ?

  3. 眼尖的观众能看出,那条追击冈根潜艇的科洛爪鱼是一位正在保护孩子的母亲。

    Sharp-eyed viewers will notice that the colo that chases the Gungan sub is a mother protecting its young .

  4. 联合国儿童基金会区域传媒负责人科洛说,涉及联合国官员的驱逐事件,十分罕见。

    Such an expulsion involving the United Nations is unusual , according to UNICEF regional communications chief Sarah Crowe .

  5. 科洛.图雷也暂时入选科特迪瓦国家队出战9月5日在阿比让对苏丹的比赛。

    Kolo Toure has been provisionally selected to play for the Ivory Coast against Sudan on September 5 in Abidjan .

  6. 他们在看过儿子女友科洛的许多照片后,还会附上“这个不错哟”的喜爱评语。

    They include many of his girlfriend Chloe , complete with soppy captions such as ' love this one . "

  7. 在那片长满白桦和枞树的森林里,大路的右边,科洛恰修道院的十字架和钟楼远远地在太阳下闪光。

    In this copse of birch-and pine-trees , on the right of the road , could be seen far away the shining cross and belfry of the Kolotsky monastery .

  8. “我真的很高兴能在科洛的旁边踢球,因为我们从孩子时候就认识了,我很感激他的帮助和鼓励。”埃布告诉星期日电讯。

    " I 'm really happy to be playing alongside Kolo because I 've known him since we were children and I 'm grateful for the way he has helped and encouraged me ," Eboue told the Sunday Telegraph .