
  • 网络Anaerobic Endurance
  1. SAQ训练法对提高足球队员无氧耐力的实验研究

    An empirical study of SAQ training method to improve football players ′ anaerobic endurance levels

  2. 对于少数无氧耐力素质较好的女生,800m跑同样可以提高耐力水平。

    As for a small number of female students whose anaerobic endurance quality is better , 800 m run can likewise improve their endurance level .

  3. 无氧耐力训练周期中血清睾酮(T)与血清皮质醇(C)比值和个体无氧阈(IAT)发生变化。

    The ratio of blood serum testosterone and cortisol ( T / C ) and individual anaerobic threshold ( IAT ) changed during anaerobic endurance training .

  4. 无氧耐力组台阶指数、50m跑成绩显著优于现行训练组(P分别为0.012、0.026);

    The step index and the achievement of 50 m running in anaerobic group were higher than those in the common group ( p was 0.012 and 0.026 , respectively ) .

  5. 结论平原时无氧耐力对急性高原反应具有预测价值。

    Conclusion Anaerobic endurance in plain has the character to estimate AMS .

  6. 女子手球运动员无氧耐力的监控与评定

    Evaluation and Monitoring on Anaerobic Endurance of Woman Handball Players

  7. 没有很好培养出自己无氧耐力的车手会因乳酸累积而迅速疲劳。

    Without well-developed anaerobic endurance a rider would quickly fatigue as lactate accumulates .

  8. 篮球运动员的无氧耐力训练

    The Endurance Training Without O_2 for the Basketball Players

  9. 全能运动员无氧耐力项目赛后快速恢复方法的生理学分析

    Physiological Analysis of the Rapid Recovery Ways for All-round Athletes after the Anaerobic Endurance

  10. 2%bwl和4%bwl对下肢的无氧耐力没有肖」弱作用。

    Neither 2 % bwl nor 4 % bwl had decrement on anaerobic endurance of lower extremity .

  11. 心率表在跆拳道无氧耐力专项训练强度监控中的应用

    The Heart Rate Monitor 's Application in Supervision of Exercise Intensity of Kickboxing Training for Anaerobic Endurance Ability

  12. 有氧、无氧耐力训练对自主神经调节功能的影响及意义

    The Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Endurance Training on the Regulating Function of Autonomic Nervous System and Its Significance

  13. 结果表明,其专项耐力的特点,是以无氧耐力为主。

    The results show that within the features of the special endurance , anaerobic endurance takes the first place .

  14. 长期的有氧耐力训练、无氧耐力训练后即刻免疫机能显著下降,休息后可恢复;

    Immune function decreased significantly after instantly of aerobic endurance training and anaerobic endurance training , which can be refreshed after resting .

  15. 同样的道理,短距离竞赛,比如绕圈赛倚重于高级能力,特别是无氧耐力和功率。

    In the same way , a short race such as a criterium favors the higher abilities , espe ? Cially anaerobic endurance and power .

  16. 建议:在战士军事训练的内容中以有氧训练为主,再增加一些高强度、大力量及无氧耐力方面的训练,以增加心壁厚度,增强心肌的射血功能。

    We suggest adding some high intensity and strength and anaerobic endurance exercise to the main aerobic training in order to improve the ejection ability .

  17. 由于足球运动本身的运动特点及全攻全守的盛行,足球比别的运动项目需要更多的无氧耐力和有氧耐力。

    Because of these characteristics and the prevalence of total football , more anaerobic endurance and aerobic endurance are required by football than any other sports .

  18. 从模拟测验课中心率和血乳酸变化可以看出:在套路(30&90)秒的间歇训练中,机体所承受的负荷,能有效的提高运动员无氧耐力能力,训练效果好。

    Lessons from the simulation tests of heart rate and blood lactate changes can be seen : in ( 30-90 ) seconds interval training , the load borne by the body , can effectively improve anaerobic endurance capacity of athletes , training effect is good .

  19. 训练方式为强制游泳。研究长期训练后心肌功能和代谢变化之间的关系,以及长期高强度无氧训练与耐力性有氧训练对心肌的作用及其差异。

    In this study , the ralation between myocardiac function and metabolism after a long-tem training and the effect and the difference of effect between endurance aerobic training and high intensity anaerobic training for a long time were observed .

  20. 无氧阈测定在耐力运动员中的预测和评定能力的意义

    Significance of anaerobic threshold in the prediction and determination of endurance performance in athletes

  21. 通过对照实验,提出一种更适合普通高校散打爱好者的专项耐力训练方法,此方法能较好地改善实验对象的无氧糖酵解系统的供能能力,提高运动员的专项无氧耐力。

    Through contrast experiment , this paper puts foward another special training method of endurance suitable for amateur , which can improve experimental subjects well in anaerobic candy ferment and dissolve systematic energy supply ability , improve the special anaerobic endurance for athletes .