
wú xīn xiū jiǎ
  • unpaid holiday
  1. 临时的无薪休假被称为furlough。

    That temporary unpaid time off is called a furlough .

  2. 《家庭医疗休假法案》(FamilyMedicalLeaveAct,FMLA)和类似的州级法律规定,如果员工为解决家庭问题而不得不无薪休假,雇主应该保留员工的职位。

    The Family Medical Leave Act ( FMLA ) and its state counterparts say employers have to keep your job open for you if you take an unpaid leave of absence to deal with family issues .

  3. 这位英国航空公司(britishairways)的产品经理刚刚决定在今年夏天无薪休假1个月,并在随后的14个月内做非全职工作正是这家亏损的航空公司所希望的。

    The product manager at British Airways has just decided to take a month off without pay this summer and then work part-time for the following 14 months and that is precisely what the lossmaking airline wants .

  4. 会计师事务所德勤(deloitte)全球首席执行官奎励杰(jamesquigley)昨日表示,该公司正受到中国业务放缓的影响,这促使公司对员工强制实行无薪休假。

    Deloitte is suffering from the slowdown in China , which is forcing the accountancy firm to impose unpaid leave on staff , its global head said yesterday .

  5. 只有具备一定规模的企业才执行这一法案。按照FMLA的规定,这些企业提供在一年内12周无薪休假。

    Only companies of a certain size are beholden to the FMLA , which offers up to12 weeks of unpaid leave during a12-month period .

  6. 一旦资金大幅削减,员工的无薪休假就会增加。

    Whenever the funding is slashed , employees'unpaid furloughs will be increased .

  7. 我们已经提出了一项自愿无薪休假计划。

    We have already introduced a voluntary unpaid leave scheme .

  8. 本公司将在逐项基础上考虑所有的无薪休假请求。

    The company will consider any requests for non-paid leave on a case-by-case basis .

  9. 一些印度和韩国汽车厂商已要求员工无薪休假。

    Several carmakers in India and South Korea have asked staff to take unpaid leave .

  10. 一些政府工作人员将被迫休假,被迫无薪休假。

    Some government workers would be furloughed , forced to take time off without pay .

  11. 军方将对部分人员实行无薪休假,每月节省20%经费开支。

    Military communities face furlough days that can amount to 20 % of a month 's pay .

  12. 强制无薪休假,由于上个月政府自动削减开支的到来。

    Forced to take time off without pay , because automatic government spending cuts kicked in last month .

  13. 其中包括1000名工人的自愿离职买断计划,以及在员工中更为广泛地使用短期无薪休假和公休假。

    The measures include voluntary buyout packages for1,000 workers , as well as wider use of short-term unpaid leaves and sabbaticals .

  14. 除了日前推行的空服员无薪休假外,该公司的飞行员无薪休假计划也将在近期推出。

    In addition to vacation without pay for service people , the same plan for pilots will be introduced in the short future .

  15. 预计国防部员工将被迫接受无薪休假,同时对大型基础设施项目最终也将停止提供资金。

    Defense employees are expected to be forced to take unpaid time off work , while funding for big infrastructure projects will eventually halt .

  16. 在该园区工作的逾13万名员工中,约75%被丧失订单的企业强制无薪休假。

    About 75 per cent of its more than 130,000 workers were put on unpaid leave by companies that found themselves bereft of orders .

  17. 州政府雇员工会大多已接受了暂时解雇无薪休假以此作为永久减薪或裁员的替代办法。

    Broadly , state employees ' unions have accepted furloughs periods of unpaid leave as an alternative to either permanent wage cuts or workforce cuts .

  18. 去年年底他们采取将适度裁员和降低奖金,缩短工作时间或者是无薪休假等结合起来的方法。

    Late last year they resorted to modest cuts combined with trimmed bonuses , offers of shorter working hours or unpaid holidays and so forth .

  19. 如果国会还不能在减少预算上达成协议,那么成千上百位政府员工就要被迫实行无薪休假了。

    Hundreds of thousands of workers could be forced to take unpaid leave known as furloughs if Congress does not reach an agreement soon to undo the cuts .

  20. 根据政府的自动减支计划,一些机场要求数万名员工无薪休假数天。

    At some airports , tens of thousands of workers are required to take a certain number of days off without pay under the government 's automatic spending cuts .

  21. 为应对衰退,国泰航空已削减了运能,停飞了部分航班,推迟建设一个新的货运站,并向员工提供无薪休假机会。

    To counter the recession , Cathay has already cut capacity , grounded flights , delayed the construction of a new cargo terminal and offered unpaid leave to staff .

  22. 如果员工遭受过‘提心吊胆的裁员’、无薪休假、薪资冻结(或减薪),那他们可能会有一点受过创伤后过激的症状。

    If employees have suffered through the agonizing game of " layoff roulette ," furloughs and salary freezes ( or cuts ), there may be some PTSD in the ranks .

  23. 英航的4万名员工中,已有近7000人提出接受无薪休假、非全职或无薪工作,其中800人自愿无薪工作至多1个月。

    At Ba , nearly 7000 of its 40000 staff have offered to take unpaid leave , part-time or unpaid work , including 800 who volunteered to work for nothing for up to a month .

  24. 随着雇主尝试各种办法抵御深度衰退,世界各地有成千上万像托马斯一样的人在规划着一个无薪休假的夏季,或是缩减工作时间。

    Thousands of people like Mr Thomas around the world are looking ahead to a summer of unpaid leave or fewer working hours as employers try out a raft of methods to counter the deep recession .

  25. 她们陶醉于做母亲的喜悦,却常常忽略了——她们的工作机会正在减少。一个2014年的报告表明,那些计划怀孕的职业女性更容易被降职、被迫无薪休假,甚至被解雇。

    Everyone talks about the joy of motherhood . What they often leave out is the part where you become less employable . According to a 2014 report , career women who plan to get pregnant are likely to find themselves demoted , forced to take unpaid leave , or even fired .

  26. Netflix公司4日宣布,在员工们初为父母的第一年里,公司将提供无限制的带薪休假。这是竞争激烈的科技行业内最慷慨的产假福利之一。

    Netflix announced Tuesday it will begin offering " unlimited " paid time off to employees during their first year as new parents , one of the most generous parental leave packages offered in the competitive tech industry .