
yī bǎ shǒu
  • a hand;a member;the first in command;participant;a good hand;partner;party to an undertaking;working hand;Big Chief
一把手 [yī bǎ shǒu]
  • (1) [working hand;party to an undertaking;member]∶参加活动的一员

  • (2) [a good hand]∶在某一方面才干出众的人

  • 开车的一把手

  • (3) [the first in command]∶单位或组织的主要负责人

  • 他是我们厂的一把手

一把手[yī bǎ shǒu]
  1. 嗨,宝贝儿,可以帮一把手吗?

    Hi , sweetheart . Can you give me a hand with this packing ?

  2. 我们准备搭伙干,你也算上一把手吧?

    We 're going to pool our efforts . Shall we count you in ?

  3. 利用UCDOS字库实现屏幕汉字放大有效监督一把手的措施是:健全监督机制;

    Realize Chinese Character Amplify in UCDOS The useful countermeasures are : amplify surveillance mechanism ;

  4. 企业在开发MIS的过程中要特别注意几个关键问题:“一把手”原则是MIS开发成功的首要原则;

    Some key issues that the enterprises should pay special attentions in the process of developing MIS are as follows : the principle of " Fist Hand " is the foremost principle in successfully developing MIS .

  5. 尽管实现这一目标还要依赖除CEO领导风格外的很多东西,但如果一把手能把自己和其他同事视为同类,实现目标就会容易得多。

    Although achieving this depends on much more than just the leadership style of the CEO , it 's a lot easier to achieve when the top dog considers himself or herself to be cut from the same cloth as all the other colleagues .

  6. 上一赛季,身为一把手的他甚至沾不上MVP的边,他凭什么认为这个现象会改变,当他成为了一只拥有最高占球率球员的球队的二把手时?

    He wasn 't even close last season as the first option , why does he think that 'll change being the second option to the highest usg % player in the league ?

  7. 国有企业一把手应成为职业企业家

    The Main Leader of the State Enterprise Should Become Professional Manager

  8. 对一把手实施有效监督的思考

    Thought about Effective Supervision on " The First in Command "

  9. 他从未妄想当公司的一把手。

    He never dreamed of playing first fiddle in the company .

  10. 塑造企业文化应该是一把手工程;

    The making of the enterprise culture should be the first-hand project ;

  11. 直到不久以前,这位国际货币基金组织的一把手还对他的计划守口如瓶。

    The IMF boss had until recently kept silent about his plans .

  12. 一把手监督难的原因和对策

    The reason and countermeasure to the difficulty in supervise the first hand

  13. 我还没决定要不要掺一把手呢。

    I stii can 't decde whether to take part .

  14. 她曾是我们厂的一把手。

    She has been the head of our factory .

  15. 对监督党政一把手问题的思考

    Thoughts on supervising the top - leader in the party and the government

  16. 她千方百计地想当公司的一把手。

    She was making a big play for the head of the company .

  17. 论一把手腐败犯罪的预防

    On prevention for the corrupt crime of the head

  18. 丹尼尔迟早会是公司的一把手

    Daniel is gonna have his time at the head of the table .

  19. 然而,大型公司的女一把手数量仍然相当少。

    Yet the number of female bosses of large firms remains stubbornly small .

  20. 他是我们厂的一把手。

    He is the head of our factory .

  21. 现在谁是一把手呢?

    Who 's in charge now , then ?

  22. 不论做一把手,还是二把手、三把手,都要负起自己的责任来。

    Whether first , second or third in command , each must assume his reponsibility .

  23. 领导科学的行政运用&试论如何做好企业一把手

    The Science of Leadership in Administrative Work

  24. 她干活真是一把手。

    She is a good hand .

  25. 贵州省县市区党政一把手选拔任用研究

    Research on Selecting Chief Leader of Party and Government in Guizhou Provincial County and City Area

  26. 第四章,提出一把手权力监督的对策。

    Fourth part , raising the countermeasures on the supervision of " leader 's power " .

  27. 试论“一把手”应具备的基本素质

    The top leader 's basic quality

  28. 完善党政一把手长效监督机制的战略思考

    Strategic Thoughts on Perfecting A Long-term Supervision Mechanism for Top Leaders of the Party and the Government

  29. 教育科学化,营造县域一把手监督的氛围。

    Education scientific , to create the atmosphere of county " top leader " supervision . 3 .

  30. 在高管团队整体情绪智力形成过程中同样存在一把手效应。

    There is also a " top leader effect " in the formation of TMT overall emotional intelligence .