
  • 网络Facilities;hardware;Hardware facilities
  1. BOT是近年来国际上广泛采用的一种大型基础设施建设资金的融资方式,近年来BOT也成为解决高校后勤硬件设施建设资金短缺问题经常采用的模式。

    BOT is a large way of finance which international widely adopted to basic facilities construction in recent years .

  2. VPN技术是利用相对不安全的公网来构建企业远程专用网络,利用专用的软硬件设施,通过建立在共享IP网中的逻辑隧道,实现远程网络之间安全、点对点的连接。

    Making use of special software and hardware facilities and establishing the logical tunnel in share IP net , it carry out a safe point-to-point connection between remote networks .

  3. 武汉P4实验室的硬件设施、管理水平、人员队伍和工作方式,和目前世界上运行的其他P4实验室是一样的。

    The infrastructure at the institute 's P4 biosafety laboratory are the same as other P4 labs in operation .

  4. 本文作者阐述了IP电话的概念、关键技术、实现方式及所需的软、硬件设施

    This article describes the concepts of IP phone , key technology , realization principles , software and hardware supports

  5. 现代处理器具有一种特殊的硬件设施,即PerformanceMonitorUnit(PMU)。它用于收集与处理器中的操作相关的事件。

    Modern processors have a special hardware facility , the Performance Monitor Unit ( PMU ), to collect the events related with the operations in the processor .

  6. 随着硬件设施的全面升级,SCADA系统在全部管线的应用必将带来一定的人员冗余。

    With the hardware upgrading of the pipelines , the application of SCADA in the whole lines must bring about a great deal of redundancy .

  7. 同时简要叙述RS-485串行通信硬件设施,并对RS-485至CAN间通讯的通讯卡开发作了具体描述。

    The hardware of RS-485 serial communication is introduced briefly and also the development of the communication card from RS-485 to CAN communication block is described concretely .

  8. RFID集成系统中包含很多各种各样的软硬件设施,它们形成的网络也千变万化,其拓扑结构复杂、庞大,管理复杂和困难。

    RFID integrated system contains a lot of various kinds of hardware and software facilities , They form the network also protean , its topology structure is complex , huge , management complex and difficult .

  9. 讨论了在采用北大方正排版软件作为主要书版排版软件时,如何结合Photoshop、word等软件及扫描仪等硬件设施,充分利用作者提供的word文件资源;

    This paper dealt with ways of utilizing to the most extent the word textual resource the thesis author submitted by combining such softwares as Photoshop , word with such hardware facilities as scanning when adopting Founder typesetting software as priority .

  10. 所以信息化建设计划将会围绕公司的各个层面进行阐述,主要分为以下几个部分:网络基础硬件设施建设、生产信息管理系统建设、ERP管理子系统建设和行政管理信息系统建设。

    So the information construction plan will revolve around each level is expounded , mainly divided into the following several parts : network foundation hardware facilities , production management information system construction , ERP management system construction and administrative management information system construction .

  11. 由于TDOA测距技术原理简单,不需要额外的硬件设施,在LOS环境下有很好的测距效果,因此该技术被广泛运用到无线传感器节点定位中。

    TDOA ranging technology has simple principle , needs no additional hardware facilities , as well as the perfect ranging effects in the LOS environments , so it is widely used in the positioning of wireless sensor nodes .

  12. 国家同步辐射实验室(NSRL)通过建设国家大科学工程项目,在真空紫外和软X-光光学系统方面积累丰富的经验,建立了比较齐全的设计和检测等软件和硬件设施。

    The National Synchrotron Radiation Lab ( NSRL ) has setup the basic design and test facility for the optical system in the vacuum ultraviolet to soft X-ray range .

  13. 拱东拥有先进的硬件设施,强大的研发实力和技术优势,率先通过了ISO13485、CE认证。

    " Gongdong " owns advanced hardware facilities , powerful research and develops strength and technological superiority , take the lead in having passed ISO13485 , CE certification .

  14. 根据OEM产品自身的特点,阐述了其供应商开发流程的独特性,着重提出了OEM供应商的初选更侧重于其硬件设施和软件条件;

    In subsequence , based on the special property of OEM products , the author studied the unique attribute of OEM supplier development process ; emphasized the consideration of hardware and software conditions when preliminary selection of supplier ;

  15. “中国许多城市拥有建设大楼和硬件设施的政治意愿与行政能力,但建设软件设施花费的时间要长得多,”瑞信(creditsuisse)驻香港的亚洲区首席经济师陶冬表示。

    " Many cities in China have the political will and administrative ability to build buildings and hardware , but it will take them much longer to build the software , " said Dong Tao , regional chief economist for Credit Suisse , who is based in Hong Kong .

  16. TQ公司是一家手机生产企业,其业务增长迅速,生产节奏快,原材料种类多,而硬件设施无法与业务增加同步。

    Its business grows rapidly , has fast production pace , and many kinds of raw materials . But factory facilities can not be synchronized with the increase in business .

  17. 医院以一流的硬件设施、独一无二的医疗环境,致力于打造“湘潭女性jiankang第一品牌”。

    The hospital with first-class hardware facilities , unique medical environment , devote oneself to to make the " health first " brand of xiangtan women .

  18. 新算法在不需要额外硬件设施的前提下,能获得更高的定位精度;并针对原DV-Hop算法中因全局洪泛而导致大量系统能耗的缺点,提出了基于露珠洪泛思想的节能方案。

    The new algorithm will gain higher localization precision without extra hardware ; and provide the saving energy solution based on Dew-flooding theory for the disadvantage of large system energy consume resulted from whole flooding in former DV-Hop algorithm .

  19. 在全面调研基础上,抽象出湖北省物流交通信息系统三级体系逻辑结构,并综合运用安全软、硬件设施进行安全系统结构设计,如:设置DMZ;

    After investigating in an all-round way , we abstract the 3-level logical systematic structure of the HuBei Transportation Logistics Information System , and use safety software and hardware facilities to carry on the structural design of the security system synthetically .

  20. 当今科技商业的本质也是如此,每年硬件设施的资金。

    That 's the nature of the technology business these days .

  21. 硬件设施相当于陆上三甲医院。

    The hardware system equivalent to the three-level hospital in land .

  22. 校园体育氛围和硬件设施;

    The physical ambience in the campus the facilities of hardware .

  23. 加强对网球活动硬件设施的投入力度。

    Strengthen the input of tennis hardware facility . 3 .

  24. 关于酒店的硬件设施和软件服务方面,您是否遇到过什么问题?

    What problems do you meet on using hotel products and services ?

  25. 同时涉及现行看守所检察的人员配备和硬件设施完善以及经费保障。

    Involving current procuratorial staffing of detention , hardware facilities and funds .

  26. 固体废物处理处置硬件设施严重缺乏;

    Lack of disposal facilities of solid waster materials ;

  27. 同时要改善教学硬件设施,为教师教学创造条件。

    So , the basketball teaching should be improved .

  28. 旅游旅馆是与旅游业配套的主要硬件设施。

    Hardware Tourist hotel is the main supporting establishment for the touring industry .

  29. 从基础硬件设施的建设到学校的领导,教师,还有广大的学生对多媒体教学的接受程度进行了详尽的调查。

    From The construction of hardware facilities to the school leadership , teachers .

  30. 第5章介绍了物流服务所需要的软硬件设施以及国外先进港口发展物流的经验。

    In chapter 5,1 introduces the soft and hard wares that logistic need .