
  • 网络Hard Wheat;durum wheat
  1. 如果你把软麦和硬麦杂交,你就可以生产出适于制作面包的面粉。

    If you cross soft wheat with hard wheat you can produce flour suitable for making bread .

  2. 基于VAR模型的硬麦期货价格发现研究

    Hard wheat futures price discovery based VAR model

  3. 中国硬麦期货交易的距到期日效应研究

    To-Expire-Day Effect of Hard Winter White Wheat Trading in China 's Futures Market

  4. 研究结果显示,黄豆和硬麦期货价格与其现货价格都存在相互引导关系,而且两种价格之间也存在长期均衡关系。

    It showed that there was a mutual guidance and long-term equilibrium relationship between spot and futures prices .

  5. 中国大豆期货市场套期保值比率与绩效要优于硬麦期货市场。

    The hedging ratio and performance of China 's soybean futures market is superior to these of hard wheat futures market .

  6. 分别以软、硬麦为原料,采用在正常生产情况下改变工艺条件并在线取样的方法,取得多组不同样品。

    Different groups of samples of the soft and hard wheat flour were taken from the changing condition in milling process with on-line sampling method .

  7. 本省小麦品质改良应重点利用优质硬麦和优质软麦资源材料,改造不软不硬的中间类型。

    It is important to use good hard wheat and good weak wheat varieties to improve the middle gluten wheat with poor quality in wheat breeding .

  8. 对黄豆期货来说,期货市场在价格发现功能中起到主导作用,但对硬麦期货来说,现货市场在价格发现功能中起到主导作用。

    As to soybean , futures market was in the lead in price discovery . Spot market exerted an important effect on the price discovery of the hard wheat .

  9. 通过单位根检验,确定硬麦期货与现货价格序列具有一阶差分平稳性即I(1)过程。

    The article educed that the series of hard wheat futures and spot prices show their first-order difference stationary , I ( 1 ) process , by the unit root test .