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  1. 磨盘柿无节茎段不定芽的再生研究

    Studies on Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from Stems Without Internode of " Mopan " Persimmon Tube Seedlings

  2. 利用组培苗叶片及无节茎段为外植体,较为系统地研究了影响其不定芽再生的各因素,建立了不定芽再生体系;

    Adventitious shoot regeneration systems from in vitro leaves and stems without internode of tube seedlings were obtained .

  3. 茶树春梢生长期粗纤维含量的变化及与节茎长度的相关性

    The change of rude fibre content of growing tea shoots and correlation between rude fibre content and stem length

  4. 以非洲菊无菌苗带节茎段为外植体,比较各种不同激素组合、浓度大小对非洲菊芽苗的诱导、增殖和生根的影响。

    The tissue culture and rapid proliferation techniques of Morinda officinalis How were studied by using apical buds and tender stems as explants .

  5. 而由发根农杆菌感染带节茎段转化的丹参幼苗,诱导率为100%,其根系庞大,呈须根状,节间明显缩短。

    However , stem section infected with Agrobacterium rhizogenes transforms seedlings , and the inducing rate is 100 % . The transformed Salvia .

  6. 其中,穗节茎粗与穗粒数、穗长、穗粒重、剑叶面积呈正相关;

    Diameter of ear node were significantly positive correlated with kernel number per ear , ear length , kernel weight per ear , and area of sword leaf respectively .

  7. 花叶万年青一种植物,花叶万年青属,原产于热带美洲,有结实的节茎和大的多样化的叶子,可做为室内植物栽培。

    Any of several plants of the genus Dieffenbachia native to tropical america , having stout , jointed stems and large , variegated leaves and widely cultivated as an indoor plant .

  8. 主要研究结果如下:茎尖、带节茎段及幼嫩叶片均适合过路黄的离体快繁。

    The main results were as follows : The rapid propagation of Lysimachia christinae by tissue culture showed that the best explants were stem tip , young stem segment ( with axil buds ) and young leaf .

  9. 不同耐密性品种第3节茎长/茎粗变异系数最大,而穗位/株高比相对稳定,且表现出穗位系数与倒伏率成反比。

    The coefficient of variation of stem length / diameter of the third stem was the largest but the ear-located height / plant height was relatively stable . And the ear-located height / plant height was inversely proportional to the lodging rate .

  10. 6-BA诱导大豆子叶节和茎尖出芽的研究

    Studies on Shoots Induced by 6-BA from Cotyledonary Nodes and Embryonic Tips of Soybean

  11. 每节海藻茎周围的微小浮力就足以使它傲然挺立。

    Tiny floats along each stem are enough to hold it up .

  12. 结果:鱼腥草快速繁殖,其外植体以地上茎节和茎尖较适宜。

    Result : Stem node over-ground and shoot tip were optium explants for fast propagation .

  13. 源于巴西的附生仙人掌,作为室内盆栽植物而广泛栽培,有有节的茎干和冬天开的紫红色的花。

    Epiphytic cactus of Brazilian ancestry widely cultivated as a houseplant having jointed flat segments and usually rose-purple flowers that bloom in winter .

  14. 有节管状植物茎的稳定性数值分析

    Hollow Plant with Septate Internodes Stalk , Numerical Analysis of Stability

  15. 节位对茎叶结合强度的影响较为明显。

    Node position had a prominent influence on the stem-leaf bond intensity .

  16. 4个节的种苗茎直立,叶互生,而后茎匍匐,叶集生。

    In the 4 nodes of seedling the stem is erect and the leaf is altemate , and then the stem is creeping and the leaf is assembling .

  17. 结果表明:(1)同一穗型水稻品种不同部位的伤流强度随生育期的变化有很大差异,以基部节间伤流强度最大,其次为中间茎节,穗茎节伤流强度最小;

    The results indicated that : ( 1 ) the bleeding intensity has very big difference in different part during the growth periods of the rice species of the same Panicle-Type .

  18. 遮光强度及遮光持续时间对大豆株高、子叶节高度、茎粗和主茎节数影响显著。

    The effect on shading intensity and shading duration to four characters ( plant height , cotyledon node height , number of nodes on main stem and diameter of main stem ) of soybean was significant .

  19. 就从茎节下面,沿茎干把它们全砍掉。

    Cut them off cleanly through the stem just below the node .

  20. 烯效唑处理提高了分蘖节、叶片、茎杆和穗中的全氮含量和分蘖节中的糖含量。

    S-3307 Treatments significantly enhanced the nitrogen metabolism and carbohydrate in tiller node .

  21. 萘乙酸增加了红小豆的株高、叶面积和分枝数,略微降低了主茎节数,对茎粗的影响效果不明显。

    The NAA treatment increased adzuki bean 's plant high , the leaf area and the branching number , it reduced the main stalk pitch number slightly , its influence to the stem thick was not obvious too .