
  1. 所以,每个照明灯具如果能够节约一点能量,那么总节电量将是很大的值。

    Therefore , if each lighting lamp can save a little energy , the total electricity savings would be a tremendous value .

  2. 按照人们对节电量的不同要求,提出了根据电网电压的变化采用模糊控制的方法实现路灯的节电控制。

    According to different requirements of people on the rate of power-saving , this paper has proposed an fuzzy control method to power-saving of lighting lamps , based on the power voltage changes .

  3. 通过对电动机电源电压的调整,以寻求电动机最高运行效率,本文介绍了电动机调压方法及节电量的计算。

    On the basis of regulating electric supply voltage of motors , tried to find out the highest operation efficiency . This paper introduced the method of motor regulating voltage and calculation of power saving .

  4. 通过对铁路分局电力网网损的构成和运行参数的分析,给出了经济运行节电量的两种计算方法&平均系数法和逐点系数法。

    This paper has analysed the composition of network lost and operating parameters of power network in Railway Branch . Two calculating methods of the amount of electricity-saving for economic operating have been derived i.e. mean coefficient method and point-by-point coefficient method .