
  1. 这是一款节能环保产品。

    It is an energy efficient , environmentally friendly product .

  2. 达到节煤、提高热效率、降低烟、硫排放量之效果的节能环保产品。

    Achieve section coal , improve heat efficiency , reduce the effect of smoke and sulfur emissions of energy-saving and environmental protection products .

  3. 为保护地球环境和提高人类的居住生活水准,我们正积极努力的致力于节能环保产品的研发和生产。

    To protect the global environment and improve the living standards , we are actively committed to the development and production of environmentally friendly energy conservation products .

  4. 财政部周二声明,中央政府各部门还应该选购节能环保产品和正版软件。

    China 's Ministry of Finance ( MOF ) said in a statement Tuesday that central government departments should also procure energy-saving and environmentally-friendly products as well as authentic software .

  5. 为引领市场,必须不断创新,开发新型节能、环保产品。

    To lead the market , the manufacturers should innovate ceaselessly , and develop the products which are energy-saving and environmental friendly .

  6. 三以市场为导向,根据市场需求进行产品开发,引导消费者购买和使用节能环保型产品。

    Product development should be carried out according to the market demand in order to be market-oriented ; and guide consumers to purchase and use energy saving products .

  7. 生产出高新、节能、环保型产品。

    Produce high-tech , energy-saving and environment-friendly products .

  8. 工业、建筑、交通、商贸、旅游、农村、办公等领域的先进节能环保技术与产品;

    Advanced energy-conservation and environmental technology and products in such aspects as industry , building , traffic , trade and business , travel , countryside , office working , etc.

  9. 加快开发应用节能环保技术和产品,把节能环保产业打造成生机勃勃的朝阳产业。

    We will speed up the development and use of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies and products and turn the energy conservation and environmental protection industries into dynamic sunrise industries .

  10. 我们还将积极推动绿色工业、新能源、节能环保技术和产品开发,形成新的增长点,在此过程中坚决淘汰落后产能,缓解资源环境的瓶颈约束。

    We will also promote the development of green industries , new energy , and energy-conserving and environment friendly technologies and products to foster new growth areas , and resolutely eliminate backward production facilities in this process to ease the resources and environmental constraints .

  11. 论汽车动力总成节能环保的若干核心产品技术及FAW的技术对策

    The automobile power train core technology route & FAW 's strategy for environmental protection and energy conservation

  12. 十二五规划中明确指出积极有序发展节能环保,新能源产品。

    Clear that the second Five-Year Plan to actively and orderly development of energy saving , new energy products .

  13. 在新一轮市场竞争中,为国内外用户提供节能、降耗、环保产品。

    In the new round of competition in the market for domestic energy users , saving and environmentally friendly products .

  14. 参展企业承诺展品与参展合同相符,应为节能环保类技术与产品。

    Exhibitors should promise that their exhibits are consistent with participation contracts , and are energy-saving and environmental technologies and products .

  15. 推广人居建设中新技术、新材料的应用,促进节能和环保技术与产品的创新,并开展国际合作,进行节能和环保技术的工程示范;

    Development and dissemination of the application of new technologies and materials to promote the technology and product innovation concerning energy efficiency and environment protection in human settlements and working effectively on the demo projects to popularize the products and technologies of energy efficiency and friendly environment through international cooperation ;

  16. 绿色照明、节能型家电、环保节能家居等家庭节能环保技术与产品;

    Family energy conservation environment protection technologies and products such as green lighting , energy-saving home appliances and house products , etc.