
  1. 新技术的应用和观测系统的建成为海洋环境监测网的建设奠定了基础。

    The application of new technologies and the construction observing systems laid a foundation for the construction of the marine environment monitoring network .

  2. 随着国家一系列扶持核电与核工业的新政的出台,现有辐射环境监测网亟待改进。传统的监测点组网及数据传输都有布线难,维护成本高,运行费用高等缺点。

    Along with the series of new policy supporting nuclear power and nuclear industries , it is urgent to improve the existing radiation monitoring network . However , traditional network monitoring has certain disadvantages , such as difficult wiring , high maintenance cost , and high operating cost .

  3. 水土保持生态环境监测站网合理布局研究

    Study on Reasonable Layout of the Ecological Environment Monitoring Station Net

  4. 我国城市辐射环境自动监测网建设研究

    The Study of Chinese cities of Automatic Environmental Radiation Monitoring System

  5. 河南省环境空气质量监测网优化的研究

    Study on optimization of the ambient air quality monitoring network of Henan

  6. 其他一些环境监测站正在修建,以逐步形成全区环境监测网。

    Other monitoring stations are being constructed so as to gradually form a region-wide environmental monitoring network .

  7. 对我国生态环境的特点及评价现状进行了分析,介绍了我国生态环境监测网的类型和评价方法。

    The trends and status quo of eco-environment in China are analyzed in the paper . Then the type of eco-environmental monitoring and the method of eco-environment assessment are introduced .

  8. 青海省生态环境监测系统主要由遍布全省各典型生态系统区的生态环境监测站网、卫星遥感信息接收处理系统,信息收集、处理、模拟、评价系统,综合信息服务与反馈等部分组成。

    Ecological Environment Monitoring System of Qinghai Province is comprised of ecological environment monitoring network of all typical eco system area , remote sensing receiving and processing system , information collection , data processing , signal simulation , evaluation system , comprehensive information service and feedback system and so on .