
  • 网络FestivaI Studies
  1. 可见,两汉节日研究对于了解当时社会文化的基本面貌具有重要的意义。

    So we can find that it is the importance of the research for us to know the basic visage of Han Dynasty .

  2. 中西方重大节日对比研究

    Comparative Study on Important Festivals between China and Western Countries

  3. 唯物史观视域下中国传统节日文化研究

    Study on the Culture of Chinese Traditional Festival from the Angle of Marxist Historical Materialism

  4. 本文以中国传统社会中的重要文化现象&节日为研究对象,从哲学美学的角度展开了全面而深入的研究。

    Traditional festivals , as the important cultural phenomenon of classical society , are the object of study of this dissertation . And the complete and profound investigation of traditional festivals will be carried on in the visual field of philosophy and aesthetics .

  5. 因此对民族传统节日进行调查研究并予以保护是当前急迫的工作任务。

    Accordingly , the investigation , study and protection has become an urgent task for the time being .

  6. 此外指出在理论和实证方面对节日效应的研究上还有许多方面有待进一步的深化和拓展。

    Also noted in the theoretical and empirical research on the holiday effect there are many areas for further deepening and expansion .

  7. 第二章是对比之下的西方节日类名词研究,其中包括对部分西方文化里节日类名词的分析和中西方节日的比较差异。

    The second chapter is the study of the comparison of Chinese and western festival nouns , included the analysis of parts of western festival nouns and the comparisons and differences of Chinese and western festivals .

  8. 唐代节日民俗与文学研究

    Research of the Festival Customs and Literature in the T'ang Dynasty

  9. 海峡两岸幼儿园开展中国传统节日教育活动比较研究

    Comparing Study on the Cross-strait Kindergarten 's Traditional Festival Pedagogical Activity

  10. 作为环境艺术的研究者针对塑造城市公共空间节日文化氛围的研究是颇具意义的。

    As environmental art researchers , make a study on shaping the cultural atmosphere of urban public space for festivals is quite significance .

  11. 本文的第一部分是绪论,主要介绍当前对外汉语中节日类名词的研究现状、本文的研究思路、意义所在及研究方法。

    The introduction is mainly introduced the research status of festival nouns , the study thoughts , the meanings and the study methods .

  12. 卡林加对许多黑人团体的节日做了大量研究,随后决定新节日应当庆祝收获或“初熟”,结合了许多有关收获的不同传统。

    After conducting extensive research in which he studied the festivals of many African groups of people , he decided that the new holiday should be a harvest or " first fruits " celebration , incorporating ideas from many different harvest traditions .

  13. 二月二是我国民间重要的传统节日,文章运用文献材料,对二月二习俗的流变进行了分析,并浅析了龙抬头节、社日的形成,希冀能够推动学术界对传统节日文化研究的进展。

    " February two " is one of the important tradition folk festivals . With documentary materials , the " February two " custom is analyzed in order to advance the research work of traditional festivals .