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  • parliamentary committee
  1. 议会委员会主席凯特·费尔曼警告说,如果这份报告被忽视,我们的后代可能就再也看不到野生考拉了。

    Cate Faehrmann , the chair of the Parliamentary Committee , warned future generations may not see a koala in the wild again , if the report is ignored .

  2. 葡萄牙央行行长卡洛斯科斯塔(CarlosCosta)于上周三向一个议会委员会表示,欧盟委员会对NovoBanco的出售过程始终知情。

    Carlos Costa , the governor of the central bank , told a parliamentary committee last Wednesday that the European Commission was being kept permanently informed about the Novo Banco sale process .

  3. 英国议会委员会表示,将公布上周《星期日泰晤士报》(SundayTimes)提交的新证据。这家英国报纸去年曾对世界杯的申办过程进行过暗中调查。

    The committee said it would publish new evidence submitted last week by the Sunday Times , a British newspaper that last year carried out an undercover investigation into the World Cup bidding process .

  4. 预期辛格今日将宣布建立一个跨党议会委员会,调查前电信部长安迪穆图拉贾(andimuthuraja)对第二代移动通信(2g)频谱的分配情况。

    Mr Singh is expected today to announce a cross-party parliamentary committee probe into the allocation of second generation mobile phone spectrum by andimuthu Raja , former telecoms minister .

  5. 日本经济财政大臣大田弘子(HirokoOta)讲得更为具体,她向一个议会委员会表示,日元不断升值及原油价格不断上涨正开始影响到(日本)企业收益,特别是小企业。

    Hiroko Ota , economics minister , was more specific , telling a parliamentary committee that the rising yen and rising crude oil prices are beginning to have an impact on [ Japanese ] corporate earnings , especially at small companies .

  6. 1994年加入高盛的前纽约联储行长杰拉德科里根(geraldcorrigan)昨日向英国一个议会委员会表示,“事后看来”,规范这些交易的监管标准本应更加严格。

    Gerald Corrigan , a former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York who joined Goldman in 1994 , yesterday told a UK parliamentary committee that , " with the benefit of hindsight " , the regulatory standards governing those deals should have been higher .

  7. 另外他还创立了一个议会委员会来审查选举制度。

    He also set up a parliamentary committee to review the electoral system .

  8. 罗山。贾森是东盟设在马来西亚的缅甸问题议会委员会负责人。

    Roshan Jason is executive director of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus in Malaysia .

  9. 因为英国的内阁是一个议会委员会,委员会成员人人平等。

    This is because the British cabinet is a committee of the Houses of Parliament .

  10. 一个字2008年参观该岛的英国议会委员会发现一种“显而易见的恐惧气氛”。

    British parliamentary committee visited the islands in2008 and found a " palpable climate of fear " .

  11. 在欧洲议会委员会的一个听证会上,他因阻止了谷歌的和解而得到赞许。

    At a hearing before a European Parliament committee , he took credit for blowing up the Google settlement .

  12. 最终,希尔德布兰德如期向议会委员会作了汇报&但不再是以瑞士央行行长的身份。

    In the end , Mr Hildebrand addressed the parliamentary committee as scheduled – but no longer as SNB chairman .

  13. 如今,两人可能面临一个议会委员会的调查,还可能以玩忽职守的罪名被提起刑事指控。

    Now , both men face the prospect of investigation by a parliamentary committee and , possibly , criminal charges of negligence .

  14. 然而迄今为止,这些法案已经在初步的议会委员会受挫,后者表示该问题并非当务之急。

    So far , however , the bills have foundered in preliminary parliamentary commissions , suggesting the issue is not a priority .

  15. 然而,高盛一位资深银行家日前向一家英国议会委员会表示,高盛本应该做得更透明一些。

    However , a senior Goldman banker told a UK parliamentary committee last week that the bank should have been more transparent .

  16. 欧智华在一封致客户、股东和员工的信中表达了歉意,并在两次接受英国议会委员会质询时致歉。

    He said it in a letter to customers , shareholders and staff and twice before UK parliamentary committees , most recently this week .

  17. 反对派保守党提出了一项动议,要求成立一个议会委员会,调查政府的道德操守以及疫情期间的财政支出。

    The opposition Conservative Party had tabled a motion to create a parliamentary committee to probe the government 's ethics and COVID-19 pandemic spending .

  18. 此次会议还提出激活现有的国家委员会和与科学有关的议会委员会,从而推广科技创新的文化。

    The meeting also proposed that the existing national commissions and science-related parliamentary committees should be activated to promote the culture of S & T innovation .

  19. 在收购交易的数量和规模均达到创纪录水平后,美国和英国一些议会委员会已要求私人股本高管接受质询。

    Private equity chiefs have been called to answer questions from parliamentary committees in the US and UK after buy-outs reached record levels in number and size .

  20. 本月当他出现在一议会委员会时,有人向他提问,暗示他是造成苏格兰皇家银行困境的唯一根源。弗雷德爵士对这一问题感到愤怒。

    Appearing before a parliamentary committee this month , Sir Fred reacted angrily to a question that implied he was the sole source of RBS 's difficulties .

  21. 他提议成立一个两党议会委员会以调查可能存在的情报失误,并增加在街头执勤的佩枪警察的数量。

    He suggested the creation of a bipartisan parliamentary committee to look at possible intelligence lapses and an increase in the number of armed policemen on the streets .

  22. 有趣的是,新闻国际也向议会委员会上交了一份古德曼信函的副本。但是在该副本中,有关编辑会议等的一些段落,明显被删去或者涂黑。

    Interestingly , NI also submitted a copy of the Goodman letter to the committee & but with some paragraphs , including the one about the editorial conferences , cut or blacked out .

  23. 意大利呼吁八国集团着手对付大宗商品投机者。最近,随着人们担忧投机者在推动创纪录的原油价格方面可能充当的角色,一个英国议会委员会称,将举行首次有关石油市场监管的听证会。

    Italy is calling on the Group of Eight leading economies to tackle commodities speculators , while last week a UK parliamentary committee said it would hold its first hearing into regulation of oil markets amid concern over the possible role of speculators in driving record crude oil prices .

  24. 在高盛(GoldmanSachs)事件的余波未尽之际,最近出版的英国议会财政委员会报告“金融城女性(WomenintheCity)”可谓恰逢其时。

    As the fall-out continues for Goldman Sachs , the recently published UK parliamentary Treasury committee report ," Women in the City ", makes timely reading .

  25. 而现在有影响力的工党议员如议会财政委员会主席约翰•麦克福尔(JohnMcFall),却正呼吁对苏格兰皇家银行和劳埃德实行全面的国有化。

    Influential Labour MPs such as John McFall , the chairman of the parliamentary Treasury committee , are now calling for the full nationalisation of RBS and Lloyds .

  26. 这位不愿意提及自己女儿姓名的Bullivant女士,已经向班主任LesleyThornes和学校领导提出了抗议,并要求和Lincolnshire地区议会教育委员会主任见面。

    Mrs Bullivant , who did not want to name her daughter , complained to head teacher Lesley Thornes and the school 's governors , and wants a meeting with the director of education at Lincolnshire council .

  27. 欧洲议会工业委员会本月还就一项类似的措施进行了投票。

    The industry committee votes on a similar measure this month .

  28. 教学专业议会筹备委员会〔教育统筹委员会〕

    Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of General Teaching Council [ Education Commission ]

  29. 她现在正在会见议会司法委员会,接下来将要前往国会山。

    She 's now there to meet with members of the Senate Judicial Committee .

  30. 议会的委员会还没有组成之前,你就是这些证据的评判者。

    Until that congressional committee is formed , you are the judge of the evidence .