
  • 网络china steel
  1. 市场研究公司steelmarketintelligence表示,中国钢铁业“正以非常危险的速度生产高成本钢铁”,给自己招惹麻烦。

    Steel market intelligence , a market research company , said the Chinese steel industry had brought its troubles upon itself by " producing high-cost steel at a breakneck pace " .

  2. 北京梅塔科咨询有限公司(beijingmetalconsulting)首席执行官许中波表示,由于产能严重过剩,2009年可能成为中国钢铁业有史以来最糟糕的一年。

    Xu Zhongbo , chief executive of Beijing Metal consulting said that 2009 " could be the worst year in history for the Chinese steel industry because we have big overcapacity " .

  3. 秦刚没有提供针对上述力拓雇员的控罪细节。据中国钢铁业的消息来源透露,第五名遭到拘留的人来自首钢集团(ShougangGroup),这是中国最大国有钢铁商之一。

    Mr Qin gave no details of the charges against the Rio employees , and the fifth detainee , who according to steel industry sources in China is from Shougang Group , one of China 's largest state-owned steelmakers .

  4. 钢铁市场分析师昨日表示,中国钢铁业官员涉嫌勾结英澳矿业企业力拓(riotinto)被拘留员工一事,可能导致年度铁矿石价格谈判推迟结束。

    Allegations that Chinese steel industry officials colluded with detained employees of Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian miner , could delay the conclusion of annual iron ore pricing negotiations , steel market analysts said yesterday .

  5. 中国钢铁业受到铁矿石现货价格大幅上涨的打击。目前各钢厂竞相争夺进口铁矿石,它们预期,一项涉及英澳矿商力拓(RioTinto)涉嫌从事间谍活动的调查,会导致进口限制。

    China 's steel industry has been hit with sharply higher spot prices for iron ore as mills scramble for imports ahead of expected import curbs linked to an inquiry involving spying charges against Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian miner .

  6. 中国钢铁业发展及未来出口形势分析

    Development Future Export Situation of China 's Iron and Steel Industry

  7. 对中国钢铁业投资过热的思考

    Consideration on Overheated Investment in Iron & Steel Sector in China

  8. 中韩自由贸易区预期产业效应的实证分析&以中国钢铁业为例

    Empirical Analysis on the Expected Effects on Industries of the China-Korea FTA

  9. 中钢协背叛了中国钢铁业,一名业内人士表示。

    Cisa sold out the Chinese steel industry , says one industry insider .

  10. 中国钢铁业发展与评估

    Development and evaluation on Chinese steel industry

  11. 21世纪初中国钢铁业发展战略的初步评估

    Some Consideration on the Development Strategy of Chinese Steel Industry at the Beginning of The 21st Century

  12. 中国钢铁业边际投资效率与相机选择货币政策有效性的实证分析

    Empirical Analyses on Marginal Efficiency of Steel Investment and the Validity of China (?) Discretional Monetary Policy

  13. 此外,与大多数国家相比,中国钢铁业对铁矿石成本日益上升更为忧虑。

    Moreover , the Chinese steel industry has more to fear than most from rising iron ore costs .

  14. 高炉矿渣是中国钢铁业大量排放的一种冶金废渣。

    Ground granulate blast furnace slag ( GGBFS ) is a by-product of the iron and steel manufacturing industry .

  15. 陈宁宁表示:5年内,中国钢铁业将进行整合,并出现超大型钢铁公司。

    In five years ' time there will be consolidation and mega steel companies in China . Ms Chen says .

  16. 中国钢铁业及其他行业的高管们一直在权衡各种可行措施,来应对必和必拓对力拓的收购。

    Executives in China 's steel industry and other sectors have been weighing possible options in response to the BHP move .

  17. 一些分析师估计,中国钢铁业利润率实现了4年来的首次增长,今年的价格已有所上涨。

    Some analysts estimate that profit margins rose in China for the first time in four years and prices have already risen this year .

  18. 此笔交易最终还可能提供一个参与高度细分的中国钢铁业整合的基础。

    Ultimately it may also provide a base to take part in the consolidation of the Chinese steel industry , which is highly fragmented .

  19. 中国钢铁业受到全球危机的重创。这场危机不仅压低了出口需求,而且已开始压制国内需求。

    The Chinese steel industry has been hit hard by the global crisis , which has depressed export demand and has begun to depress domestic demand .

  20. 鉴于这种背景,或许我们有理由预计中国钢铁业将进行市场期待已久的调整,许多钢铁企业将被迫关闭。

    Given such a backdrop , it might be reasonable to expect the long-awaited shake-out of the Chinese industry with many companies forced to close down .

  21. 占全球总产量一半以上的中国钢铁业,去年自1981年以来首次降低产量。

    Last year China 's steel industry , which accounts for more than half of global production , reduced output for the first time since 1981 .

  22. 中国钢铁业的增长意味着,目前占产能比重已降至10%的国家所有权,将重新回到接近40%的水平。

    The growth of the Chinese steel sector means that state ownership , having fallen to 10 per cent of capacity , is back near 40 per cent .

  23. 虽然有人担忧中国钢铁业的健康状况,但较低价格、库存补充以及对低污染海外矿石的更大需求等多种因素将铁矿石进口量推升15%,至7400万吨。

    Despite concerns about the health of the Chinese steel sector , lower prices , stock building and greater demand for less-polluting overseas ore lifted iron ore imports by 15 per cent to 74m tonnes .

  24. 在外界对此做出的诸多复杂的政治解释中,最为流行的一个说法是:逮捕这四人是为了报复力拓,因为它在去年与中国钢铁业就铁矿石销售展开的谈判中采取了强硬立场。

    Of many complex political explanations , the favourite is the allegation that the arrests were payback for Rio Tinto 's tough stance in talks on iron ore sales with the Chinese steel industry last year .

  25. 欧洲和中国钢铁业高管非常希望维持年度基准价格体系,认为这能带来钢材价格的稳定,使他们能够向汽车制造商等客户提供年度钢材供应合同。

    European and Chinese steel executives are keen to maintain the annual benchmark system , arguing it has led to stable steel prices , enabling them to offer customers , such as automakers , annual steel contracts .

  26. 本文的目的在于研究中国钢铁业上市公司资本结构与经营绩效的关系,通过数据的实证分析,在提高经营绩效的前提下,合理调整公司资本结构。

    The paper purposes to study the relationship between the capital structure and performance of iron and steel listed companies , and to properly adjust capital structure under the premise of improving business performance through empirical data analysis .

  27. 钢铁行业高管周末表示,即便在规划中的重组之后,中国钢铁业产能仍将严重过剩,这似乎表明全球陷入困境的钢铁业的工厂倒闭和失业不会有任何改善。

    Significant overcapacity will remain in China 's steel sector even after planned restructuring , industry executives said at the weekend , suggesting no let-up for the beleaguered industry 's plant closures and job losses across the globe .

  28. 去年7月,在力拓与一些亚洲钢铁生产商达成基准铁矿石价格降价33%的协议(尽管中国钢铁业要求更高的降幅)后不久,主持谈判的胡士泰即遭到拘押。

    Last July , Mr Hu was detained shortly after presiding over the 33 per cent drop in benchmark iron ore prices that Rio agreed with some Asian steelmakers , in spite of China 's steel industry body crying for a deeper discount .

  29. 但是,未能在6月30日最终期限之前达成协议,意味着中国钢铁业如今处于陌生境地。理论上,力拓可以首次动用倒毙条款:如果7月仍不能就新价格达成协议,便可以终止供应。

    But by letting the June 30 deadline slip without an agreement , the industry is now in uncharted territory . Rio could theoretically use drop-dead clauses for the first time , allowing volumes to be terminated if new prices were not agreed by July .

  30. 我们必须尊重(中国)钢铁业的整体意愿。

    We have to respect the wishes of the steel industry [ in China ] as a whole .