
dài lǐ zhì
  • agency system
  1. 我们应按照WTO的原则和要求,尤其加大代理制的发展力度,积极面对激烈的国际竞争,适应国际经济全球化的趋势。

    We should obey the principles and the requirements of WTO , increase the developing strength that is induced by agency system , and positively face intense international competition , adapt to the international economy globalization tendency .

  2. 新型的代理制可以是全方位的服务性理念,采用代理制的外贸公司不是单纯的收取手续费,而是要为生产企业开辟市场及营销宣传。

    The new agency system may be the omni-directional service idea .

  3. 美国司法部指称,苹果和以上几家图书出版商在前者发布iPad平板电脑的同时,出台了一种代理制商业模式,让出版商确定图书零售价格,从而把畅销书单价抬高了2至5美元。

    The DoJ alleged that Apple and the publishers raised the price of best-selling titles $ 2 to $ 5 each by introducing , at the same time Apple launched its iPad tablet , an agency business model in which publishers set retail prices .

  4. 委托人-代理人理论与外贸代理制研究

    On the Principal-Agent Theory and Export & Import Agency System s

  5. 试论完善我国商业代理制的法规问题

    Perfection of China ′ s Business Agency Laws and Regulations

  6. 培植综合商社,实行代理制。

    Foster " comprehensive trading stores " and carry out agency system .

  7. 关于我国外贸代理制法律规范的思考

    Considerations about the Laws and Regulations of Chinese Foreign Trade Agent System

  8. 对我国外贸代理制的再思考中国进出口银行

    A Critical Review of the Export & Import Agency System in China

  9. 现代公司制的本质是委托代理制。

    The essence of modern companies is agency by agreement .

  10. 我国外贸代理制法律问题研究

    The Legal Question of Agent System in Foreign Trade of Our Country

  11. 委托&代理制下的公司治理和经理股票期权

    Corporate Administration and Managerial Options under the System of Trust-Agency

  12. 正确认识代理制对我国广告业发展的积极意义

    Positive Significance on Advertising Agency to Advertisement Development in China

  13. 中国广告代理制运作及问题研究

    Research into the Operation and Problems of Advertisement Agency Mechanism of China

  14. 我国现行外贸代理制的机制缺陷及其完善对策

    Defects of China 's Current Foreign Trade Agency Mechanism and Improving Measures

  15. 代理制是现代社会中的一项非常重要的法律制度。

    The agency system is very important in modern society .

  16. 委托代理制中的最优监督问题分析

    Analysis on the Optimal Monitoring of Principal - Agent Mechanism

  17. 推进招标代理制规范招标代理机构

    Advancing Tendering Agent System and Standardizing Tendering Agent Organization

  18. 浅析《合同法》对推行我国外贸代理制的影响

    The effect of new Contract Law on foreign trade agent system in China

  19. 外贸代理制是国际贸易中一项重要的法律制度。

    Foreign trade agency system is an important legal system in international trade .

  20. 工程机械代理制若干问题探讨

    Discussion of construction machinery agency system in our country

  21. 《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》框架下的外贸代理制

    Foreign Trade Agency System in New " Foreign Trade Law of PRC "

  22. 中国广告代理制发展问题及对策研究

    Problems and Measures on China 's Advertising Agent System

  23. 这些因素都阻碍了我国外贸代理制的发展。

    All above has hampered the development of our foreign trade agency system .

  24. 网络经济时代商务代理制对策研究

    Study on Solution of Business Agency in Internet Economy

  25. 农村土地集体产权代理制研究

    Research on Agency System of Country Collective Property Right

  26. 1993年,我国引入了西方先进的广告代理制。

    In1993 , China had introduced into the advanced west advertising agency system .

  27. 冶金产品销售代理制的探讨

    An Approach to Selling Agent System of Metallurgical Products

  28. 高校人事代理制的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Personnel Affairs Agency System

  29. 人事代理制的特征与趋势分析

    Characteristics and Trend Analysis of Personnel Agency System

  30. 我国推行外贸代理制的难点及对策思考

    Difficulties in Applying the Agency System of Foreign Trade in Our Country and Solutions