
  • 网络Principle of subrogation
  1. 代位追偿原则是保险补偿原则的派生原则之一,在众多保险原则之中占有比较重要的地位,该原则体现了禁止得利这一保险的核心内容。

    The substitution-claim principle which takes an important place in insurance principles is one of the derivatives of insurance compensation principle .

  2. 但在实践中保险代位追偿原则的实施却显得力不从心,由此引出了第三部分,即如何解决更好地实现保险代位追偿原则的问题。

    However , in practice , the execution of the principle does not work well , consequently the third part put its focus on how to realize this principle .