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  1. 你们这一代还知道谁是鲍勃迪伦吗?

    Does your generation still know who Bob Dylan is ?

  2. 新千年一代还希望工作方式灵活,为其家庭生活和个人兴趣留出足够时间。

    Millennials also expect a flexible work routine that allows them time for their family and personal interests .

  3. 在21世纪,你们这一代还必须率先接受一个无视国界的国际金融体系的挑战。

    In the21st century , your generation must also leave the challenges of international financial system that has no respect for national borders .

  4. 这些子代还显示出胰岛素抵抗的征象,这是早发2型糖尿病的征兆,最早可在出生后3周发生。

    The offspring also showed signs of insulin resistance , a condition that precedes the early onset of type-2 diabetes , as early as3 weeks of age .

  5. 我们必须现在就行动,二战后出生的这一代还小,很容易受影响,老师、牧师、权威人士所说的话会给他们留下深刻印象。

    We must act now while this baby-boomerang generation is still young and impressionable , and will be impressed with what a teacher , a preacher , or some other authority figure has to say .

  6. 而且对产生的子代还进行退火选择,从而将温度这一概念加入到遗传算法中,这样使子代基本不会出现退化现象。

    But also to the offspring resulting from annealing was also carried out , thus the temperature of the concept will be added to the genetic algorithm , so that does not appear to make the basic offspring degradation .

  7. 泛泛而谈事业和家庭的平衡当然是有益的,但它将一大批女性排除在了外面:单亲母亲、没有子女的女性和刚刚开始职业生涯的女性(下一代还远未提上议事日程)。

    The typical work-life conversations are helpful , but they exclude huge numbers of women : single mothers , those without children , and those just starting out their careers ( with babies not even a blip on their radar ) .

  8. 同时第三代普锐斯还配有诸如太阳能通风系统的尖端技术。

    It is also equipped with cutting-edge technologies such as the solar-powered ventilation system .

  9. 也就是当婴儿潮一代人还年轻时。

    when the baby boomers were still young .

  10. 原有的传统电信网络与新一代网络还将并存相当长的时间。

    Already existing traditional telecommunication network and network of new generation will also coexist in quite a long time .

  11. 这一代人还经历了很多重大公共创伤:911恐怖袭击,代价惨重(且悬而未决)的战争,经济大衰退。

    Its members also have weathered many large public traumas : the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 , costly ( and unresolved ) wars , the Great Recession .

  12. 我们纪念这一天,不仅希望我们的下一代,还希望世界各地的下一代,包括日本的年轻一代能够了解历史事实。

    We must mark this day so that not only younger generations but the rest of the world , including Japan 's younger generations , know the truth about the war .

  13. 另外,在某些年份中,境外越冬代成虫还能够大规模迁入华北,这是第三个暴发周期以来一个新出现的现象。

    In some years , overwintering generation adults in neighboring countries can also immigrate into North China on a large scale . This is a new phenomenon in the third outbreak period .

  14. 从这四个方面来看,新生代农民工还无法平等地共享城市公共物品的供给,无法获得及时有效的合法权益的保护,无法获得更多的实现自我发展的机会。

    From the Perspective of these four aspects , Generation of migrant workers do not have equal Right to shared the urban public goods and the legal rights Protecting , and also can not get more opportunities to achieve self-development .

  15. 目前,在劳动力市场上,所谓80后、90后新生代农民工还没有占劳动力市场主导地位。随着时间的推移,渐渐中国将切实迎来新生代农民工的时代。

    At present , the labor market , after the so-called new generation of migrant workers 80 of 90 have not accounted for labor market dominant position , over time , probably 5-10 years , the China really ushered in the era of the new generation of migrant workers .

  16. 如果在病毒感染细胞后加入GLP,在病毒的生物大分子的合成完成后而子代病毒粒子还未释放出来前去掉GLP,这时GLP对病毒感染就没有抑制作用。

    There was no significant antiviral activity to be detected when the GLP was presented in the culture after beginning infection and before progeny virus release .

  17. 第三代SHARC处理器还集成了专用外设,以简化硬件设计、减小设计风险,并最终缩短上市时间。

    Third generation SHARC Processors also integrate application-specific peripherals designed to simplify hardware design , minimize design risks , and ultimately reduce time to market .

  18. 葛拉多尔同意,在我们这一代,可能还不会看到英语的地位受到挑战。

    Mr. Graddol agrees that we are unlikely to see English challenged in our lifetime .

  19. 病人或代诉者还可在此时纠正病史中的一些错误信息。

    In addition , the patient or surrogate may correct any historical misinformation at this time .

  20. 新一代蜂窝系统还涉及高级的频率复用技术,如软频率复用。

    The new generation cellular system also needs some advanced frequency reuse technologies , such as soft frequency reuse .

  21. 这一代人,还常常流露出盲从,突然就陷入狂热而亢奋状态的幼稚。

    The after80s generation often follow like sheep , and they are easily to fall into the fanatic and excited condition .

  22. 克莱夫·班尼斯特:不仅是照顾他们的上一代,而且还以照顾孩子的方式照顾他们的下一代及下下代的子孙辈。

    CLIVE BANNISTER : Not only looking after elderly parents but contributing to grand children and children both in term of their own children .

  23. 虽然现在第三代搜索引擎还没有问世,但是个性化无疑是解决上述问题的一个发展趋势。

    Although the third generation of search engines has not come yet , it is a trend that personalization is undoubtedly to solve these problems .

  24. 在这部剧首播的时候,千禧一代的观众还太小,没有看过,然而现在他们在推特上要求停播这部剧,因为他们认为这部剧有许多有问题的情节。

    Millennial viewers who were too young to see the show when it first aired have been calling the show out on Twitter for what they deem to be some very problematic plot points .

  25. 等到今年海天一岁半的时候,全家人又去帮小孩申领二代证,还特意将海天打扮了一番。

    Wait until the time of this year 's sea1-year-old quasi in the sky , whole family and then apply for receiving two certificates for kid , also especially idea sea sky dressed up some kind of .

  26. 陈丽红一人开着车哭了,她不晓得本人该若何去面临,她找到代微,还说想到晓得和她在一同的缘由。

    After calm Chen red people open car was crying , and she did not know I am telling us how to face the , she found generation , also said the thought of know and why she together .

  27. 药代动力学结果还显示,mPEG1-Cp的体内活性半衰期延长,修饰酶体内半衰期是原酶的1.6倍,表明mPEG1修饰酶具有更好的临床应用前景。

    The pharmacokinetics showed that the half-life of the mPEG - modified Cp in vivo was prolonged , being 1.6 times that of the ( native ) Cp and which implied that the modified Cp would have better prospects in clinical application .

  28. 雌甾与过量溴反应时,不仅发生芳环的溴代,而且还发生雌二醇17β-羟基的酯化、氧化以及雌酚酮16-溴代。

    The reactions of estradiol and estrone with excess bromine in glacial acetic acid , resulted not only in bromination on the aromatic ring , but also in esterification and oxidation of 17b-hydroxyl group of estradiol , as well as the 16-bromination of estrone .

  29. 对多数中国公民来说,花费被许多人视为老百姓血汗钱的外汇储备,用来纾困仅仅几代人之前还企图殖民中国的颓废的欧洲人,这个主意简直是荒唐的。

    To most citizens , it is ludicrous to suggest spending the foreign reserves , which are viewed by many as the blood and sweat money of the masses , to bail out decadent Europeans who only a few generations ago were trying to colonise the country .

  30. 中年人不仅要赡养老人,同时也要抚养下一代,而且还担任着工作的主要职责,这使得老人照顾产生大量的问题。

    The middle-aged person not only wants to support the old man but also raise the future generation at the same time , but also take on the main duty of the work , it produces a large number of questions that it makes old man look after .