
  1. 着重探讨和分析了国外最新一代军、民用飞机上使用的航空电子系统体系结构&综合模块化航空电子系统(IMA)。

    The latest generation of avionics architecture , namely Integrated Modular Architecture ( IMA ) used in the foreign military and civil aircraft is especially discussed and analyzed in this paper .

  2. 论汉魏禅代的军府模式及影响

    On the Military Government and the Regime Mode of Replacement in the Turning Point between Han and Wei Dynasties

  3. 现在的大学生作为将来全面建设小康社会的新一代主力军,必须要在思想上符合我国国情。

    As a new generational main force to build a well-off society , university students must consider Chinese national condition .

  4. 隋唐五代,军吏仍为介于军将和士卒之间的一个群体,但较两汉魏晋南北朝时期在范畴、作用、地位上发生了某些变化。

    Sui , Tang and Five Dynasties " army 's official " still for lie between " general " and " soldier ", but relatively some changes have taken place in the category , function , position .

  5. 他于1996年进入摇滚名人堂。鲍伊是他那一代的领军人物,令摇滚成为戏剧,它精心建构,充满夸张,然而其技巧中孕育了真诚,能说出远较自然主义为多的东西。

    Mr. Bowie was his generation 's standard-bearer for rock as theater : something constructed and inflated yet sincere in its artifice , saying more than naturalism could .

  6. 同时,随着社会发展,大学生作为新一代的消费领军者,无论在服装业还是其他行业,都必将成为主导消费群体。

    Meanwhile , with the social development , college student become the dominant consumer group no matter in rag trade or other industries .

  7. 如果能实现光互连与现有主流工艺的兼容,降低光互连的成本,光互连必将成为下一代互连的领军者。

    If the optical interconnection cost can be lowered by realizing it in current mainstream industry process , it will be the pacemaker of next generation interconnection .

  8. 五代十国时期,军巡院将其执法职能发挥到了最高点,其职权涉及维护京师秩序、税收征收、市场交易和土地使用等方面。

    Jun Xun Yuan elaborate the administration functions to the tiptop in Wu Dai Shi Guo , including safeguard of capital order , taxation , business and land .

  9. 论文的第三部分归纳出于坚诗歌的几项日常化追求,这是解构后的重建,是作为第三代诗人中领军者的于坚对前辈诗人的一种反拨。

    The third part sums up some daily pursuance , who on so a kind of reconstruction after deconstruction positively construct their own battlefield of poems and songs with the indomitable bravery on the base of the former ruins .