
  1. 红色旅游景点不仅可以提高人们对党史的了解,而且可以带来显著的经济效益。

    Their increasing popularity will not only enhance people 's knowledge of Party history , but also bring significant economic benefits .

  2. 董晓航说,他很高兴看到近年来有更多的年轻人参观红色旅游景点,这让他对行业的未来发展更有信心。

    Dong said he was pleased to see more young people visiting Red tourism attractions in recent years , which made him more confident about the industry 's future development .

  3. 在线旅行社去哪儿网近日发布报告称,去年有超过1亿人参观红色旅游景点,收入估算达1万亿元人民币。

    A recent report by Qunar , an online travel agency , said over 100 million people visited Red tourism attractions last year , with revenue estimated at 1 trillion yuan .

  4. 南昌市以其丰富的森林生态旅游资源和众多的红色旅游景点以及区位和交通优势,给森林旅游业营造了良好发展氛围。

    Nanchang city has potentials for developing forest tourism , such as abundant forest Eco-tourism resources and numerous " revolutionary " scenic spots , regional and transport advantages , which facilitate the development of forest tourism .

  5. 南昌八一起义纪念馆是我省红色旅游的招牌景点,每年都吸引国内外大量的游客前往参观,带动了南昌旅游,对江西旅游也有较大的影响力。

    Nanchang " BA YI " Uprising Memorial Hall is the province of red tourism signs attractions , every year attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists to visit , drove to Jiangxi Nanchang tourism , tourism also have greater influence .

  6. 近几年红色旅游在全国范围内持续升温,红色旅游景点也吸引了大量的来自中外的游客。

    In recent years the red tourist around the country continually elevates temperature , the red scenic site has also attracted a large number of tourists from home and abroad .