
  • 网络Red Brown;reddish brown
  1. Fenton强化铁炭微电解工艺处理硫化红棕中间体废水

    Treatment of Sulphur Red Brown Intermediate by Fenton Oxidation and Iron-carbon Microelectrolysis

  2. 结果表明,红棕紫泥土壤中的速效氮、磷、钾和钙含量从坡顶地至冲沟稻田逐渐降低,而铁和锰含量的变化恰好相反。

    The results showed that the soil available N , P , K and Ca decreased from top hill fields to the fields in the valley , but Mg , Fe and Mn followed a reverse pattern on the red brown purple soil .

  3. RuO2/La2O3/TiO2复合光催化剂对直接红棕M的降解研究

    Study on degradation of direct reddish brown M by RuO_2 / La_2O_3 / TiO_2 coupled photocatalyst

  4. 种群动态监测结果表明,红棕象甲在海南文昌地区,1a有4次发生高峰期。

    The result of the population monitoring of red palm weevil showed that the red palm weevil occurred in four peaks a year in the area of Wenchang , Hainan Province .

  5. 对棕榈科植物上的危险性外来生物红棕象甲(RhynchophorusferrugineusFab.)

    Red palm weevil ( Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fab . ) is a serious pest attacking palm plants and has been reported at many places in South China recently .

  6. 不同药剂对红棕象甲的防治效果研究

    Study on Control Effects of Different Medicament on Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fabricius

  7. 钩藤红棕色素研究

    Study of red-brown pigment of extract from ramulus uncariae cun uncis

  8. 红棕象甲室内生物学特性及形态观察

    Lab observation for biological characteristics and morphology of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

  9. 红棕象甲研究进展

    Research Advances on Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fab . ROSES ARE RED

  10. 红棕象甲在中国扩散的风险分析

    Risk Analysis of Red palm weevil diffusion in China

  11. 四川盆地红棕紫泥土壤水分移动性与蒸发性能的研究

    The Water Movability and Evaporation Behavior of Red Brown Purple Muddy Earth in Sichuan

  12. 红棕醇酸透明漆的研制

    Preparation of red - brown alkyd clear coating

  13. 红棕象甲成虫对5种植物发酵挥发物的行为反应

    Behavior Response of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus ( Olivier ) Adult to Volatile Compounds from Fermented Plants

  14. 四川盆南紫色土颗粒深受母质的影响,红棕紫泥和灰棕紫泥具有适宜的颗粒组成。

    Size distribution of the purple soil particle is deeply influenced by its purple parent materials .

  15. 几种引诱物对红棕象甲的诱集和田间监测

    Trapping of Red Palm Weevil with Several Attractants and Monitoring of Its Population in the Field

  16. 警惕外来危险害虫红棕象甲的扩散

    Alert to spread of an invasive alien species , red palm weevil , Rhynchophorus ferrugineus . DANGEROUS LIAISONS

  17. 红棕紫色土不同地形部位的土壤质量分析&以川中丘陵区为例

    Analysis of Soil Quality in Different Landscape of Reddish-brown Purple Soil in the Middle Part of the Sichuan Basin

  18. 文章介绍具体防治方法,并应用聚集信息素对红棕象甲成虫进行田间引诱试验。

    Articles on specific control methods , and application aggregation pheromone of red palm weevil adults to lure field trials .

  19. 红棕象甲是进境植物检疫性有害生物之一,扩散能力和危害性非常强大。

    Red palm weevil is a common import pest in plant quarantine , is highly harmful and has high spreading ability .

  20. 应用金龟子绿僵菌来防治红棕象甲,为红棕象甲的综合防治开辟一条新的途径。

    The application of Metarhizium anisopliae to combat the Red Palm Weevil opens up a new way for the integrated control of the Red Palm Weevil .

  21. 最后红棕象甲除坚硬的几丁质外壳,体内的营养物质被分解殆尽,体腔内全部被菌丝取代。

    Eventually the body of Red Palm Weevil was nothing left but the hard chitin shell , the nutrients were broken down and exhausted , the body cavity were all replaced by hyphae .

  22. 因此,本文开展了红棕象甲防控技术研究,特别是从化学防治、声音探测技术和利用信息化合物控制3方面进行,旨在为红棕象甲预测预报和防控措施提供技术参数。

    In this paper , the control technology of red palm weevil were studied , especially include the chemical control , acoustic detection and semiochemical control . The technology parameters of forecast and control were provided .

  23. 结果表明:(1)7种土壤的抗蚀能力大小依次为:冷沙黄泥>棕紫泥>红棕紫泥>灰色潮土>红紫泥>黄红紫泥>暗棕紫泥;

    The resultshows : 1.the soil erodibility of seven soils is yellow earth > brown purple soil > red brown purplesoil > grey alluvial soil > red purple soil > yellow red purple soil > darkbrown purple soil ;

  24. 本研究初步探讨了四川丘陵区暗紫泥、灰棕紫泥、棕紫泥、红棕紫泥4种主要紫色土电导率的特性。

    This paper basically discussed the characters of main purple soil EC ( the black purple soil , the grey-brown purple soil , the brown purple soil , the red-brown purple soil ) in the hill region in Sichuan .

  25. 设计了一套柚皮综合利用的方法,分别用水蒸气蒸馏法和混合盐析法提取其中的香油、色素、果胶,并对柚皮红棕色素的稳定性作了研究。

    Designed a way for comprehensive survey of citrus grandis peel , which by the ways of distillation and mixed salting out to extract its spice oil , colorant , and fruit gum , as well as investigated its stable brown red colorant .

  26. 控制反应条件,制得高性能的古铜、红棕、酒红、紫红等金属彩光云母铁珠光颜料,探讨了影响包膜氧化铁薄膜的各种因素,获得最佳工艺参数。

    Through control reaction conditions , mica iron pearlite paints with metallic lustre have different properties and different colors such as bronze-colored , dark red etc. Various factors influencing coating thin film of ferric oxide are discussed , and optimum process parameters are obtained .

  27. 恶性肿瘤切面的颜色多样,可以是黄、白、红、棕之间的颜色。

    This malignant neoplasm is variegated on cut surface , with yellow to white to red to brown areas .

  28. 碘在不同的有机溶剂中能够形成紫、红、棕、黄等颜色的溶液。

    Iodine shows the different colours , such as purple 、 red 、 brown 、 and yellow ect , in different organic solvent .

  29. 木化石的色调丰富多彩,有红、灰、棕、黑、土黄、淡黄和黄褐等颜色。

    The color of wood fossil is diverse , including red , grey , brown , black , soil yellow , light yellow and tawny ect .

  30. 在<0.03MPa时,土壤分的有效性是:红紫泥>灰棕紫泥>红棕紫泥。

    Gray-brown purplesoil > reddish-brown purple soil > reddish purple soil .