
  1. 韩语中甚至有个词来形容用完这些产品后所期待的饱满水润的感觉:chokchok(大意是水灵灵的)。

    There is even a term for the desired plump and sticky feeling after application of these products : chok chok .

  2. 麦金太尔认为接下来流行的可能是睡眠面膜和气垫BB霜。BB霜紧密地填在盒内,附有海绵状的敷抹器,能让皮肤最后呈现出水灵灵的感觉。

    Ms. McIntyre said she thinks the next big things could be sleeping masks and cushion compacts , in which BB cream in a compact form comes with a spongelike applicator for a dewy finish .

  3. 他的眼睛水灵灵的哥哥爬上了车,坐到了他旁边。

    The shinning eyed old brother climbed in beside him .

  4. 图一、随着我答应的限期的逐渐到来,灵灵的耐心和甜言蜜语也在急剧减少。

    Fig1.Sweet smiles and words from Linlin decreased dramatically as the deadline came closer .

  5. 可以。他的眼睛水灵灵的,眉毛宽宽的。

    It 's a pleasure . His eyes are dewy and his eyebrows are broad .

  6. 那水灵灵的蓝绿色香肠还飘在他身前,但其中不连续性已经引发了分解。

    In the air above him the discontinuities in the blue and green watery sausage shape resolved themselves .

  7. 图六:老王:小赵破解需要时间,我告诉灵灵两周后等我答复。

    Fig6 . OldWang : Xiaozhao 's password cracking needs time , so I asked Linlin to wait for2 weeks .

  8. 在上帝给予的光环下,她一定有一双水灵灵般的眼睛,明亮而又温柔。

    Living in the glory of god , she must have a couple of bright eyes like water , full of gentle light .

  9. 这些莴苣绿油油、水灵灵的,立刻就勾起了她的食欲,非常想吃它们。这种欲望与日俱增,而当知道自己无论如何也吃不到的时候,她变得非常憔悴,脸色苍白,痛苦不堪。

    This desire increased every day , and as she knew that she could not get any of it , she quite pined away , and looked pale and miserable .

  10. 城市的主要功能是化力为形,化能量为文化,化死物为活灵灵的艺术形象,化生物繁衍为社会创新。

    The chief function of the city is to convert power into form , energy into culture , dead matter into the living symbols of art , biological reproduction into social creativity .

  11. 女的叫花秀,年方十八,她身段苗条,长着一双水灵灵的大眼睛,显露出山中女子特有的健康和质朴。

    Beggar woman show , party eighteen years , she slender , has a pair of big eyes water Lingling , exposed out of the mountains and in the women 's specific health simple .