
  1. 中国古代早期文明研究的思考

    Thought of Study on the Early Ancient Civilization of China

  2. 中国古代文明及其研究

    Chinese Ancient Civilization and Relevant Research

  3. 中国古代文明的研究是国内外学术界非常关注的一个领域。

    Academic circles at home and abroad pay great attention to the studies on ancient Chinese civilization .

  4. 对房屋建筑遗存系统的分析和研究,将会丰富和充实商周史的研究,进而会促进对中国早期古代文明的研究。

    The analysis and research to the housing construction remains will be rich and substantiate to the research of Shang and Zhou dynasties , and then to encourage the studies of our early ancient civilizations .

  5. 中国古代文明和国家起源研究中的几个问题

    Some Issues in the Research on the Origin of Ancient Chinese Civilization and State