
měi nián yī cì
  • once a year
  1. 例如,他会每年一次前往内布拉斯加州的奥马哈,请沃伦巴菲特(warrenbuffett)在肯德基吃午餐,并向他请教商业方面的知识。

    Once a year , for example , he heads to Omaha , Nebraska and treats Warren Buffett to lunch at KFC to pick his brain on business .

  2. 他们得每年一次冲洗市内的下水道。

    Once a year they have to flush the city 's sewers .

  3. 她坚持要求所有员工都参加她每年一次的圣诞午餐。

    She insists on all her employees coming to the Christmas lunch she gives every year

  4. 每年一次,CommunityOptions的领导人们会从35个分部所在地汇聚在一起,展开交流。

    Once a year , leaders of community options come together from its 35 locations for a retreat .

  5. 而在格林内尔学院,这里的一项重大传统是每年一次的玛丽·詹姆斯(MaryB.James)易装舞会。

    A big tradition at Grinnell is the annual Mary B. James cross-dressing ball .

  6. 关于股东决定薪酬(sayonpay)的投票:伯克希尔建议尽可能降低频率,每三年一次&而不是投资者及委托投票顾问更倾向于的每年一次。

    On say on pay : Berkshire recommends say on pay as infrequently as possible every three years versus the annual basis investors and their proxy advisors generally prefer .

  7. 移动电话公司CellC的“带女儿去上班的一天”就是一个好例子,这是一个每年一次的活动,女孩可以了解参与这个项目的公司。

    The mobile phone company Cell C 's'Take a Girl Child to Work Day'is a good example , an annual event where girls can learn about the companies that participate in the scheme .

  8. ISO的最高权力机构是每年一次的“全体大会”,其日常办事机构是中央秘书处,设在瑞士的日内瓦。

    ISO supreme authority is the annual " General Assembly ", the daily office is the Central Secretariat , based in Geneva Switzerland .

  9. 美国妇产科医师学会(AmericanCollegeofObstetriciansandGynecologists)的建议是,在40岁到49岁之间每一年或两年筛查一次,其后每年一次。

    The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends them every year or two from ages 40 to 49 , and every year after that .

  10. 罗伯特?格勒登(RobertGroden):每年一次的默哀时刻

    Robert Groden : A Yearly Moment of Silence

  11. 您可能听说过StandishChaosReport,这份每年一次的报告研究成功和失败的IT项目(见参考资料)。

    You 've probably heard of the Standish Chaos Report , a yearly examination of the successes and failures of IT projects in the aggregate ( see Resources ) .

  12. 2003年美国铸造学会每年一次的铸件竞赛15件获奖铸件中,5件ADI铸件获得最高奖。

    Among the fifteen castings ' design earned industry-wide recognition at the 2003 AFS Casting Congress , five of the top awards were given to ADI parts .

  13. 朱莉·皮特还表示,她接受了每年一次的CA-125蛋白质检测,以监控是否有卵巢癌的迹象。

    Ms. Jolie Pitt also said she had a yearly test for the CA-125 protein to monitor the possibility of ovarian cancer .

  14. 在每年一次的ApacheCon会议上,您有机会与Apache开发人员直接见面(参见参考资料中一个Web页面的链接)。

    Once a year , you have a chance to rub shoulders and chill out with the cream of the Apache developers'crop at the annual ApacheCon conference ( see Resources for a link to the Web page ) .

  15. 2月6日,在印度阿拉哈巴德一个名叫三江(恒河与亚穆纳河汇合处)的地方,每年一次的传统节日MaghMela正在举行。图为一群孩子透过帐篷向外张望热闹的场景。

    Indian children peek out of a tent at Sangam , the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers during the annual traditional fair of Magh Mela in Allahabad , India , Wednesday Feb.6,2008 .

  16. 让我想想我吃卷心菜也许每年一次。

    Let 's see I eat cabbage maybe once a year .

  17. 我告诉她说现在是我每年一次的体检。

    I tell her it 's time for my yearly check-up .

  18. 建立每年一次的研究生体质健康检测制度。

    Establish the annual health examination system for postgraduate students .

  19. 每年一次的校运会在三月份举行。

    The annual school sport meet is held in march .

  20. 对用人单位进行每年一次的书面审查,进行诚信等级评价。

    Written examination once a year for the employer , credit rating .

  21. 我们在187个国家中开展了每年一次的各年龄人群乳腺癌与宫颈癌评估。

    We undertook annual age-specific assessments of breast and cervical cancer in187 countries .

  22. 假如天气答应的话,我们下星期将举行每年一次的运动会。

    Weather permitting , we will hold our yearly sports meeting next week .

  23. 初诊及每年一次的随诊详细评估认知情况。

    Subjects had detailed cognitive assessments at entry and at annual follow-up visits .

  24. 至少每年一次,会有很多的毕业典礼。

    At least once a year , there are a lot of graduations .

  25. 彻底地打扫房屋,经常是每年一次。

    Thoroughly clean the entire house , often done only once a year .

  26. 每年一次的碧螺春新茶是我公司主要的销售渠道和方向。

    Biluochun annual tea is my new company 's main sales channel and direction .

  27. 今晚是万圣节,也是我们每年一次的鬼魂草车夜游。

    Tonight is halloween , and also the day of our annual ghostly hayride .

  28. 她在为每年一次的田径比赛做训练。

    She is training for the annual race .

  29. 我喜欢每年一次清理一下衣柜和重新摆放衣物。

    I like to clean out the closets and reorganize them once a year .

  30. 与其团队一起,评审质量体系,至少每年一次;

    At least once a year , review the quality system with his team ;