
huò pán
  • pallet
货盘[huò pán]
  1. 对于用户来说,这就简化了货盘信息向CHEP的服务中心反馈的过程。

    For users , this simplifies reporting pallet returns to CHEP 's service centers .

  2. C-130J里安装的两个加大货盘以及它们所能承受的更大的总重在实际使用中给人印象深刻。

    The two extra pallet positions the C-130J provides and the increased maximum gross weight it accommodates were critical operational improvements .

  3. 那间仓库将用9万多个货盘装3,000万只复活节彩蛋。

    The warehouse will hold more than 90,000 pallets storing 30 million Easter eggs .

  4. 模压货盘用MUF树脂的研制

    The Making-up of MUF Resin Applied to Press-wood Pallets

  5. 采用该MUF树脂压制的货盘,其性能指标符合华沙力迪室外产品标准。

    The performance data of the pallets made with MUF resin have reached the Werzalit standard for outdoor products .

  6. 每床毯子的出厂价格包括货盘。

    Price per fleece blanket ex factory with pallets .

  7. 托运的货物有三个货盘,每个货盘装二十箱。

    EXAMPLE : The shipment consists of three pallets each loaded with twenty boxes .

  8. 用纸箱包装,然后置于货盘之上。

    In cartons , then on pallets .

  9. 在作战环境下我们平均搭载75名人员和三个货盘。

    We carried an average load of seventy-five people and three pallets in a combat environment .

  10. 之前,公司说在木质货盘上使用的化学成分在1月15日以后就停止使用了。

    Previously , the company said the chemical was on wooden shipping pallets that it has stopped using after Jan.15 .

  11. 零担货物一般货物货盘或者是在有线或绳升降荷兰国际集团上落船吊索包装。

    Breakbulk cargo is general cargo that is packaged on pallets or in wire or rope slings for lifting on and off a vessel .

  12. 我们注意到了增强型货物处理系统的表现是如何的优秀,我们还注意到了电子货盘锁上积满了灰尘和沙土。

    We were concerned how well the Enhanced Cargo Handling System and the electronic cargo pallet locks held up with all the dirt and dust .

  13. 坍塌的那个阁楼上有数吨货盘,货盘上则堆的是硬纸盒、成箱的包装纸和其它很重的密致材料。

    The level that collapsed was stuffed with tons of pallets piled with cardboard boxes , crates of tissue-paper wrappings and other dense , heavy materials .

  14. 码垛机系统自动进行称重,并将产品包装成袋,码垛在货盘上,最终的覆膜由人工完成。

    This Bag Packer & Palletizer is to automatically weighing and packing the product in the product bag , stack on the pallet except the film to be finished manually .

  15. 该问题的应用非常广,最具体的应用是对原材料面积和空间的利用,例如钢板、玻璃和木材的切割,货盘、集装箱的装入等。

    The field that the problem applied is very wide , the most concrete application is the using of raw material area and space , such as the cutting of steel plate , glass and timber , the loading of the pallet and container .

  16. 不准用货叉挑翻货盘的方法取货。

    Never use the fork to overturn the pallet .