
  1. 这已经在《自然》杂志上作为封面新闻刊登了出来。

    The finding appears on the cover of the journal Nature .

  2. 回归前,《财富》以《香港之死》做了封面新闻,加重了西方对香港前途的疑虑。

    Hong Kong 's return to the motherland , the magazine published a cover story entitled " The Death of Hong Kong ", which added Westerners'worry about Hong Kong 's future .

  3. 荷兰《每日汇报》此前曾针对英国的公投发出了明确的信号,它的一个封面新闻的标题写道:“不要这样丢下我”。

    Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad had a clear message for the British ahead of referendum . " Don 't leave me this way , " a cover story 's headline read .

  4. 我喜欢封面和独家新闻,但是这些新闻又证明了我们只是一群无纪律、慵懒和没希望的只专注于一些假信息的人。

    We adore " The Front Page " and " Scoop ," which present us as lazy , unprincipled , and hopelessly in thrall to bogus information .

  5. 本论文在后半段提出,要提高新闻周刊杂志影响力,首先要在内容设置方面构造出符合中国现阶段国情的封面故事、调查新闻、信息整合方式;

    In the latter part of the article , we propose that , in order to promote the influence , we should firstly create the front page story according to the present situation in China , investigate the methods to arrange news and information .